Chapter One

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If there's one thing that I know, it's that every thing happens for a reason. It's May and the school year has been hard but I'm happy it's over and prom is next weekend. I'm excited. I have my dress and everything. I'm going to prom with Shak because of obvious reasons. Chasen and I haven't spoken much. There is a rumor that the girl he cheated on me with is pregnant and there's a possibility that he might be the father. Even though it's not too much of my business other than it most likely happened when he cheated on me, I still feel bad for him because she is something else.

She always comes up to the school yelling and acting like she ain't got no kind of sense in the head God gave her. It's annoying to me but...he made his bed and now he has to sleep in it.

"Baby I need your honest opinion. Does this pink and this olive green go good together? I need another opinion that's not mine." She said turning left to right.

"Mom it looks great. Make sure you put on gold jewelry." I said fixing my liner on my lips as I looked at her through my vanity mirror.

"Oh and we gotta go to the mall for your shoes. We still haven't found any. We need shoes and jewelry aaand we need to figure out what you doing with your hair." She said and started to ramble on about prom.

"Mommy. I know. We've been through this a million times. Me and Shak are going to meet you at the mall after school." I said halfway rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm a little excited. This is my first prom, you can't blame me." She said. I couldn't do anything but smile. 

"I understand mommy. I'm excited too but you gotta calm down just a little bit." I said and we both laughed.

"So I have a serious question." She said sitting on my bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked her turning my chair around.

"Well I wanted to ask if you wanted me to invite your Dad?"

"Mom what kind of question is that. Of course Troy can come. I didnt think he needed an invitation especially since he decided to pay for some of the stuff." I said scrunching my forehead.

Troy and I have gotten very close. He's the Dad I've always wanted. He has helped me out in so many ways, especially with my other sperm donor and Chasen. He has a hand in my champagne party and in what I'm wearing. Of course I asked him. He has a great eye for detail.

"Angel. Not that Dad." She said then paused and looked at me.

"Oh your talking about hiiiiim. I mean I don't need him here. And even if you did invite him I don't even think he would come. Its a whole lot of unnecessary drama surrounding that so I'll have to think about it. Long and hard."

"Well when you make a decision let me know." She said then turned to walk out of my room. Before she walked out the room she stopped and turned around.

"And I know the the situation surrounding that but remember he is your father baby. Even if he doesn't come you'll feel good knowing you extended the invitation." She said then walked out.

I sighed loudly knowing she was right but did I really want to invite him and his family knowing its gone be some shit with them. My Dad and I probably wont even patch up our issues and at this point in my life, I'm ok with that. Its honestly a hard decision. I pushed that to the back of my mind so I could finish getting ready.

"Alright Mama Bear I'm gonna head out." I said going into my mom's room and kissing her on the cheek as she did her make up.

"Ok. Remember! You and Shak meet me at the mall right after school." She said pointing one of her brushes at me.

"I know mommy we'll be there. Love you." I said then walked out of her room.

I made my daily stop at starbucks and got to school on time.

"Bitch you gone turn into a fucking starbucks drink one day." Shak said walking up to me.

"Bitch dont judge me." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm not judging I'm just stating facts." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah whatever. Mom said we gotta meet her at the mall right after school." I said taking another sip of my drink.

"Yaaaaaas mall time with mommy. That mean we gone finish our outfits. I'm so fucking excited." He said jumping around. I was laughing at him looking a damn fool but he makes my entire day. Then he stopped and was mean mugging somebody behind me. I didnt turn around to see who it was because I already knew.

"Can she have her ass back please and thank you." He said extra loud with an attitude.

"Shak be nice." I said standing up straight and grabbing his ass so we can walk away.

"Mhm. He gone learn. He lucky I ain't cut his ass yet." Shak said starting to walk with me.

"Shak why are you always starting with that boy?" I asked rolling my eyes. This boy was really a mess.

"Because he gets on my damn nerves. He did you wrong but be looking at you like yall still tight. Its disrespectful." He said.

"Shak you are crazy, you know that?"

"Yes. Yes I do. And I regret nothing that I do." He said with a straight face.

"So I've been thinking..." I said changing the subject cause I did not want to get on the case of Chasen.

"You've been thinking..."

"I want to get a tattoo." I said.

"Bitch get the fuck outta here." He said laughing. I was being very serious.

"What the hell is so funny bitch." I said pushing him a little.

"Girl you dont even like getting shots but you want to get a tattoo. You wont survive babygirl." He said patting my shoulder.

"Look I already know what I want and where I want it and I want to get it done before prom" I told him going through my phone to show him what I want.

"Angel. You are gonna die... but I will gladly go and watch you die." He said after thinking about it for a second.

"Yaaay. I'm getting it tonight."

"Damn bitch. You had everything set up already?"

"Yes. I didnt want to flake out so I made the appointment and everything. In excited and I dont think it's even gonna hurt that much." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I guess. We just gone have to see later then. And if you start crying imma hold your hand but I'm also gonna laugh at you." He said.

"You are such a bitch." I said rolling my eyes.

"But you love this bitch."

"I guuueeessss" I said


"Everything is gonna come together perfectly. I'm so excited. My babies are going to prom and then graduating. You guys are growing up so fast." My mom said as we ate dinner.

We just got back from last minute shopping at the mall and I was exhausted, but we did finish up getting everything we needed accept for shoes so everything was pretty much set.

Is it weird to say that I'm nervous? I'm kind of a perfectionist and I want everything to be perfect. I am my mother's daughter.


Hieeeeeeeeee. I'm so excited to finally drop the sequel to HIM. So much has been going on and I know ya'll don't want my long drawn out explanations, ya'll just want the chapters to this looooong overdue book, so I shall start to deliver. For those coming back from the first book, thank you for sticking around....especially if you've been waiting for this for years... I know I know I know. So with that said thank you again, I love you guys, and lets get on with this late sequel.

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