Chapter 2

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I cranked the volume up in my car on the way to school to drown out my thoughts. Ever since Saturday night I still could not wrap my head around the fact my dad was seeing another woman. My mood was becoming worse and worse, my grip tightening on the steering wheel unil my knuckles turned white. It had meant he had moved on from my mom. I turned the music up louder. The speed of my black convertible was excelerating quickly. As I turned a corner to my school I nearly smashed into an expensive looking grey car. I slammed my breaks and came to a screeching halt under two feet from the other vehicle. I sat shaking from head to toe for a few moments until I registered what had happened. I saw the door of the car open and a black polished shoe step out. Before he could get near I hit the gas and sped off, finally parking in my schools parking lot. I got out of my car, grabbed my books, still shaking, and walked into the school in a daze.

Lunch time was finally here after sitting through two atrociously boring classes. I couldnt focus at all through Chemistry. The teacher wrote loads and loads down on the board but all I could see was a big blur. Before I knew, the bell had rang and I went to math. Destiny approached me at my locker. "Hey girl!"

"Hi," I said.

"Jace invited us to sit with him and his friends today," she smiled.

"Oh goody." I followed her through a crowd in the cafeteria, after we got our lunches, to a table where all the unbelievably stupid and arrogant preps were sitting. Des sat happily down beside Jace and they kissed. They looked like such a lovey dovey couple it kinda made me want to throw up. I sat opposite of them next to one of Jace's friends.

"Hey there, you're looking pretty fine today," he winked at me. I scoffed and starting eating my lunch. There was playful banter and talk of the homecoming dance and graduation in a few weeks all around the table.

"Hey Scarlett, who are you going to the dance with?" Jace asked.

I looked at him with a blank expression on my face. "I have no idea, I don't know If I even want to go at all."

There was a few shocked faces all around the table. "But you have to! Everyone's going! Im sure we can find you a date!" Des exclaimed.

"I don't know about that, maybe I could just go alone."

"I guess you could, if you're sure thats what you really want. Though if you change your mind I bet Brandon over there would love to take you," she giggled pointing at the creep next to me.

"Yea, I'm definetly sure." Everyone laughed, except Brandon. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and got a message from the last person I wanted to talk to right now. I placed it back in my pocket without opening up the message. Moments later it started ringing. I sighed and excused myself to answer. "Dad what do you want?"

"Scarlett, it is urgent. If you are to make it in time you must leave now," he said in a rushed voice.

"Leave now? To where?"

"You must go to the graveyard located in Sacramento. There has been a lead to suspicious activity involving the disturbances of different tombs for the past few nights of people who have passed away recently. You must seek who these people are and stop at nothing to find any information you can. Understand?"

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