"You do realize that most if not all of the military guys are human. They don't eat anywhere near as much as werewolves do."

Marcy stopped what she was doing, stunned. "Oh Roe, I had totally forgotten about that. I was trying to prep for them like they were a whole 'nother pack." She hugged Roe. "Thank you so much. That helps me a lot." She turned and yelled at the women in the kitchen. "Hold it!" They all stopped what they were doing and turned to look at her. "Roe here just reminded me that all the military guys are human. They don't eat much. Roe, what would a normal portion for a human be?"

"You've seen me eat, and I eat about what a human male does."

"So, like a kids plate?"

"I guess, but not a teenager. More like a five or six year old."

"Thanks Roe." Marcy said, then turned back to the women in the kitchen. "Alright ladies, you heard her. Cut everything for the military to kiddie portions."

The women all let out sighs of relief. One of the ladies said "That's going to be so much easier, Luna. All of the sides are almost ready right now. It won't take much to get them finished. But once we do, where are we going to put them all?"

"Good. At this rate, we should only be a little late with lunch." She paused, thinking then said "I'm not sure where to put them. Let me think about it for a few minutes, and I'll get back to you."

"Yes ma'am." The woman said, then went back to getting everything ready.

"Is part of the food ready? Like enough to feed the kids, or the pack?"

"I believe we have enough to feed the kids and most of the pack ready now, but it won't take long to get enough to feed the rest of the pack ready. Why?"

"If I may offer a suggestion?" Roe asked. At Marcy's nod, she continued. "If you have the kids and some of the adults come through and fix a plate, then they can go outside and eat. The kids will love it if you call it a picnic. That will get them fed, and out of the way of all the military and PBI people. After you get the pack fed, then you can bring the guests into the dining room, and feed them in there. If any of the guests want to see how a pack works, they can go out back and see the pack eating together."

"That's a great idea, Roe. I don't know why I didn't think of it." She shook her head. "I guess it's because we've never done anything like this before. Anytime we have other packs here, we usually do a barbeque out back, but this time we weren't prepared for this many people."

"And these are humans, too."

"That too." Luna Marcy said to Roe before turning to the others in the room. "Alright, ladies. We've got a plan now, so let's get to it. I'll get some of the men to put the tables out back, then we can get started feeding people."

"Yes Luna." The women chorused, then got to work on Roe's plan.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Roe asked.

"If you could act as the liaison between the pack, military, and PBI, that would be great."

"Alright, though I'm not sure exactly what needs to be done on that front." Roe said.

"For right now, if you'll just go tell the two guest groups that if they need anything to let you know."

"Okay, I can do that. Do you also want me to get a message to the military guys in the meeting and Special Agent Maitland?"

"If you can without disrupting them, yes."

"I can."


Roweenaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें