Chapter 17-Ward

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A section of the middle of the door opened.  "Here." A male voice said as the things she had requested began being passed through the hole in the door.

As she took the supplies, Roe asked "Is the blood and meat drugged or not?"

"I don't know. I was just told to bring it to you."

"Okay, thanks."

The guard sounded surprised when he said "You're welcome." 

I bet no one says thanks to him, because they blame everyone they see for them being here, or are too incoherent to be nice.

Roe looked through the bags he had brought her. There were a few bottles of blood and some steaks. There was also some more stuff to make sandwiches with and a couple of bags of chips as well as a few more drinks for her.

Shane and Adrian walked into the room with her.  "Did they bring anything good?"  Shane asked.

"Well, they brought some stuff, not a lot."  She said and handed them the bags that needed to go in their refrigerators.  "He didn't say if y'alls stuff was drugged or not. Actually, he said he didn't know."

"Well, I guess some is better than none. I hope they're not drugged." Adrian commented.

"Me too." Roe said. "Why don't y'all go put those up."

"Okay." Shane replied, going into his room.

Adrian nodded before going to do what Roe asked.

Roe took the bags that belonged in the refrigerator in her room and started putting them up. I really hope we're not going to be in here much longer. Though, I know it's not going to be an easy escape from here. And it's going to take us a while to decide exactly what we're going to do. She sighed. I think I know what we're going to wind up doing, and I'm not looking forward to it, or to the conversation I'm going to have with these guys about it. Mating, or marking someone isn't taken lightly, and I'm afraid that's going to be the only way we can get out of here.

Adrian walked back in the room as Roe finished putting the groceries away. "What now?" He asked.

"Now, I need a shower. Why don't you two discuss how we're going to get out of here while I do that, and I'll join you when I get out?"


"Why are you so concerned with taking a shower?" Shane asked petulantly. "We need to get out of here asap."

"I know that." Roe agreed. "I just have a feeling I'm going to need to be clean. Plus, they brought me clean clothes, I think they're fatigues so I'll blend in better when we escape if I change."

"Well, yeah, but-" Shane started arguing again, but Adrian cut him off.

"She's a woman, Shane. They like to be clean, just leave it at that." Adrian shrugged. "We can discuss plans while she takes a shower and fill her in when she's done."

"All right." Shane said, shaking his head.

Roe smiled her thanks at Adrian for getting Shane to quit arguing with her. I know neither of them understands my desire to be clean, but they probably will later. She thought wryly. I really hope they can come up with another way out of here. I really don't like my idea. She walked into the bathroom to take her shower while Adrian led Shane into his room to discuss escape plans.

While Roe took her shower, her thoughts were on escaping. I hope I'm wrong about what we're going to have to do to get out of here. I think my plan's gonna be the only way we can all three escape without being severely injured, or one of us getting killed. I really don't see any other way out of this. It's not the best idea ever, but I don't know what else we can do. I'm not strong enough to get us out of here without my full powers. Neither of them is going to want to do what it will take to get me into my full powers, either. I really hope they can come up with a better solution that doesn't get anybody killed. I need to quit worrying about it and try to relax. I'm going to need my strength back up to do the protection spell, and I'm also going to need to check my grimoire for spells before we get ready to escape.

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