Chapter 22-Escape Part 1

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Roe woke up to the sound of Shane cursing. She bolted upright in the bed and said, "What is it? What's going on?"

Adrian sat up beside her at the same time.

"Look at this!" Shane exclaimed, standing by the bed. He was holding his wrists up, with the detached chains dangling from them. "They broke in the middle of the night. I don't know how."

"You couldn't break them before, because of the silver, right?" Roe asked.

"Yeah." He answered, confused.

"Try breaking a different part of the chain."

"Why? It'll burn my hands."

"Maybe, maybe not." Roe replied. "And even if it does, you'll heal in a matter of minutes. I just want to see if you can break them on purpose."

"Okay." Shane said, skeptically. He then took hold of the chain hanging from his left wrist, and pulled. They could all see the metal of the cuff slowly bending, before the chain snapped. "Holy shit!" Shane exclaimed in wonder. "I've never been able to do that before."

"How are your hands?" Roe asked him.

He looked at his hands. "They're a little red, but not like they should've been." He got a far away look on his face for a minute. "Shadow said he tried to break them when he was in control, but couldn't. He thinks it's because of marking you, that we got a slight immunity to silver from you."

"That's entirely possible." Roe said. "Various things have happened as a result of marking a member of my family." She shrugged. There's no telling what side-effects are going to pop up.

"That's awesome!" He exclaimed.

"I would keep it as quiet as you can." Adrian cautioned him. "Who knows what lunatics there are out there besides this Major Marsden fellow that might want to study you. And Roe, for that matter."

"Oh." Shane said, frowning. "I hadn't thought of that."

"I think things through, it's how I've stayed alive for so long." Adrian replied, dismissively.

"I think things through too." Shane said, defensively.

"I'm sure you do." Adrian said, reassuringly. "I've just had a lot more practice."

"I'm sure you have, old man." Shane said.

Adrian nodded. Not bothering to argue with Shane, since he was old.

"How old are you, anyway?" Roe asked Adrian.

"I don't really remember. Somewhere around eight hundred or so." Adrian shrugged. "After a while the years just blend together."

"You really are an old man." Shane said.

"Well, yes." Adrian replied, nonchalantly. "I am."

Roe grinned at him. "So, I seem to have found myself a sugar daddy, huh?"

"A what?" Adrian asked as Shane started laughing.

"It sure seems that way." Shane said. "But it only counts if he has money."

The confused look on Adrian's face had both Shane and Roe laughing so hard they couldn't breathe.

"A.. ha ha ha... sugar ... aha ha" Roe tried to explain what they were talking about, but couldn't quit laughing long enough to talk right. She finally gave up and tried telepathy. A sugar daddy is a rich old man that young women date for the guys' money. The young women are called sugar babies.

"So, a mistress?" Adrian asked.

Roe finally stopped laughing long enough to speak to him. "Kind of. But a sugar baby is usually only in it for the money. Mistresses usually want to be the wife, but aren't."

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