Chapter 3-Evasive Maneuvering

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"Shit, Roe."

"Yeah, Joe. Things just got a lot more complicated."

"You got a plan?"

"Kinda. I'm thinking we'll stop by your place and trade cars, then hit up the roach spot for some clarification between me and my new friends."

"The roach spot, really Roe?" Joe said, disgust in his voice.

"Yeah, I know, but it'll just be for some conversation before deciding what to do next."

"The roach spot?" Shane asked.

Roe held up a finger to let Shane know she would answer him when she got done talking to Joe.

"Okay, Roe. I'll have a car waiting, just come 'round back, and I'll try to get u a little more info before you get here."

"Okay, thanks Joe."

"No problem, Roe. You know how much u mean to us."

"I know Joe", Roe sighed, I wish it was because of who I am, not what I am, but I appreciate it just the same.

"You're welcome, Roe. Bye."

As Roe hung up the phone, she turned her attention to Shane and said, "The roach spot is a motel on the other side of town. And no, it's not full of roaches, it's the place some of the pack males like to hang out cuz it's close to where the strip clubs are."

"What do the strip clubs have to do with anything?"

"Umm." Roe said thinking about how to word what she was going to have to explain next.

"If I may?" Adrian asked.

"If you know what I'm trying to explain, go for it." Roe said.

"What she's trying to put delicately is that the pack males hang out around the strip clubs because where there are strip clubs, there are prostitutes."

"Okay. I get that, and I get that the pack males go there a lot with the hookers, but why are we going to that motel?"

"I'm assuming she wants to go there because we will attract a lot less attention in that kind of  establishment than in a motel in a different part of town."

"Exactly." Roe said with a sigh of relief. "I chose there because if someone's looking for y'all, and me to some extent, that's not somewhere they're likely to look anytime soon. Hopefully, we will get some things straightened out between us, and move on before that happens."

"What do we need to straighten out? We meet the Alpha, and we leave, separately. End of story" Shane griped.

"Hmm. That is one possibility," Adrian said, thoughtfully "but I for one would like to find out exactly what Miss Roe here is, and what all she's hiding from us."

"What?!" Shane exclaimed, as Roe blushed. "What is she?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I find it hard to believe that this car, which has an​ interesting protection spell on it, is usually driven by an ordinary human." Adrian said with a hint of disdain in his voice. "Which means that either she has friends in high places, or she's not what she seems."

"She doesn't smell like a werewolf or a vampire." Shane stated, shrinking away from her into his seat.

"I don't know yet, but I'm guessing some kind of a familiar," Adrian replied, "or possibly a witch."

"I am not a familiar!" Roe said heatedly. Familiar? Familiar! He thinks I'm a freaking familiar! I can't believe he thinks that, much less that he actually said it. The audacity! "Familiars have been outlawed in the United States for over fifty years, in case you didn't know that. And my family hasn't had a familiar in over a hundred years! I am not a familiar."

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