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Sunlight peaking through the halfway shut blind seeped to the floor all the way wall, painting the room in a light yellow and gold, casting silhouettes behind every object that filled the bedroom. Laid every so still underneath the thick duvets, the couple stared at each other, ever so entranced by each other. Their eyes trailing over each other feature, just watching each other. Neither feeling the need to speak and ruin the serve atmosphere that had surrounded them in he early morning.

It was early but neither of them seemed to care, to enthralled by the other. You could still hear the soft tweets of the birds outside and the bells of the little café that was opposite their apartment building as early risers arrived to get their daily dose of caffeine.

It was a cold day but the sun was shining and the wind was crisp but the lovers decided to take refuge in their bed, never wanting to leave the warmth of the bed and each other. It was too got too leave, and it was the first time in a while that the tow had such a slow and quiet morning. Every other day, time flies and early mornings were spent rushing past each other in a flurry to make it to their jobs, albeit never forgetting a peck on the lips as they exited their comfy apartment.

It was a good change for the day, she wasn't in hurry to catch the bus to her office and he wasn't rushing to make it to the subway that took him to gallery on the other side of town. Only every getting to see each other once they got through the threshold on the front door in the late evening.

But the silence had to end eventually, because no matter how much he could look at her, no matter the adoration and pride he felt for her, he couldn't help but utter three words that still made her heart race and her cheeks dust over pink.

"I love you."

Oh, how her heart melted. It may have been the umpteenth time she had heard those three little words spilling from his lips but she just couldn't keep herself from feeling bashful and flustered by him. It may have been powerful words but he was the one saying it, and he was the one could make her feel every emotion related to love.

Slowly, he reached forward, placing his warm hand upon her bloodshed cheeks, ghosting his thumb over her skin before trailing his hand down. From her neck to her shoulder to the arm, eliciting goosebumps rom such a gentle touch and as he reached her hand that was underneath the duvet, her interlaced their fingers together.

"i love you too, Han Seojun," She mumbled, it was soft but he could hear every letter, syllable and word as clear as crystal glass, and it was his turn to turn bashful and embarrassed. Because this time his heart began to race from her words and even though he knew she didn't have to say those words to prove that she truly loved him, he couldn't help but feel his heart bubble at the sound of her voice.

Shutting his eyes lightly, he felt his nerves start to tingle, sending him into a cloud of doubt and worry. He was scared in that moment but he also knew that he was loved and he loved her.

"Seojun?" She called out, this time bringing their clasped hands to her lips and peck his knuckles, trying to get the boy to open his eyes and for his ever so prominent worry on his face to fade.

So he opened his eyes and stared into her dark ones, trying to comprehend the sentence he had been desperately trying to spit out for what seemed to be forever. Instead he just stared her and he knew that with park Chaeyoung, everything was so simple but so extravagant at the same time.

And with every breathe he took since he had fortunately met her all that time ago, he knew she was someone that he'd never let out of his grasp, not until the day he dies.

And it was until his very last breathe, he loved her.

"Marry me."

IN YOUR EYES 一 park chaeyoungWhere stories live. Discover now