chapter 5: portent

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“Hey, beautiful.” A pale face with deep, black pools for eyes moved forward from the shadows.

Unable to move, my scream shattered the night to further stillness.

An amused grin crinkled Geothro’s face as he gave a little bow. “I kind of like the effect I have on you, Winter. Please scream for me again.”

Heat glazed my face and I shouted, “Why are you following me?” I turned, studying the deep shadows for tell-tale slithering. Nothing.

Geothro followed my gaze, his eyebrows high. “Are you expecting someone?”

Steadying my nerves, I dropped my tattered skirt and stepped toward him with a sneer.

“It’s about time I found you, and here Alex worried that you wouldn’t.” He stood there like a Greek god, his dark, glittering eyes eating every space of my body alive. Down, then up. A smirk lifted half his face. “I’d ask what you’re doing in the middle of the pond with your clothes torn in half, but,” he snorted, tossing aside a lock of hair.

“Well,” I drawled, “I’d tell you, but what fun would that be?” My hand tried to control the wild pulse of my heart his intrusion had caused. “What’re you doing here? And here I thought you didn’t care,” I let my tone seethe my distain, hoping he’d see how angry I was with him.

“May I join you?” He made forward as if to step into the water, but I bristled.

I folded my arms, hoping he’d know I didn’t want him around. “Do, and we shall see what happens to you. I thought you wanted me gone? What are you doing here entertaining the likes of me?” Unlike my previous unmagick self, he didn’t worry me anymore, I knew I could handle him.

“Yes, you can handle me, I can handle you, but Alex can’t.”

“Can you read my thoughts?” My breath came out as a hard huff through my nose. Though it felt hopeful, I wouldn’t dare give him the benefit of the doubt. I wasn’t that desperate.

A mysterious grin fluttered over his features and I growled. “Let me organize your thoughts, Winter, if anyone else can do that, it is me.”

I chuckled at him, shook my head and waded toward shore. “How long have you been here?”

I could see his teeth sparkling in the night. “I waited for you.”

“You w—?” I lifted my chin, a curve lifting the corners of my mouth.

“It is my understanding that you have snubbed Alex.” I pursed my lips, ready to give him my best, but he held up his hand and stepped closer. “. Wanda is tired. Fighting the Shadoweaver took a lot of life from her.” A curtain of black hair slipped from behind his ear, covering half of his face. “I am due to take her place.” He wet his lips and exhaled softly, whispering, “soon. And my offer still stands.”

A dark thrill shivered through me as I studied his chiseled features. He was such a contrast to Alex with his predatory ways.

Geothro lifted his face and inhaled, his lashes fanning shut. “I can taste your emotion, Winter.” His eyes opened, a dull glow lit them. “A quixotic delight to my palate.”

An involuntary smile pulled one side of my mouth and I took a step closer to him. As seductive as the Tango. Should I entertain the direction my evil twin inside me carried me? Or should I be good and think of Alex who did not chase me? “If that’s the case, then what did Wanda mean I was not real? You were the strongest voice there, determined to have me out.”

“Oh, you’re real enough.” He closed the space between us, but didn’t touch me.

Anger whipped through me—where was his defense of me during Wanda’s tirade? “What of your guardian’s insistence?” I gazed at him. A rush of adrenaline exploded inside me, it reminded me of the time I stuck my finger into a snake’s cage after Markus had dared me.

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