Chapter One

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"Every great love starts with a story..."

Harry POV

"Are you sure you're ready?" She asked me. "What?" I exclaimed as Gemma stared at me across the car. "Nevermind. I just can't believe you're finally going to uni." Really? She was really going to get sentimental? The whole reason I had her drive Niall and I to school was so I didn't have to deal with one of Mum's emotional goodbyes. "Gem, it's not a big deal. It's literally two hours away." I breathed. Truth is, I was a little scared. I mean, I was in boarding school for quite a long time, but never something this far from home. I was so relieved when Niall got accepted.

"We're here!" Gemma exclaimed waking a sleeping Niall in the backseat. The campus was enormous. There were hundreds of freshman and their worried parents unloading mini vans and station wagons full of plastic totes. Gemma pulled up to the dorm slowly and we all jumped out of the car. I really didn't bring much, just one suitcase and one tote; Niall on the other hand seemed to bring his whole home.

As we walked into the large building, we were asked our names and handed our room assignments. "What room did we get Ni?" I questioned. "27." Wait what? I looked down at my paper, which clearly listed my dorm as 22. "This must be a mistake, we were supposed to be roommates." I exclaimed to the girl. She was gorgeous. Not the kind of gorgeous that you see all the time either, just a uniquely beautiful person. Her name tag read "Eleanor." "Oh, I'm sorry.." she began, "We can't fulfill every request this year with all the incoming freshman. Take it up with the Chancellor if you have an issue, NEXT!" Bitch. "It's okay man, don't worry about it. Same floor right?" Niall added.

Gemma helped lug Niall's things to room 27, while I struggled carrying my tote down the hall. I walked into my room, the other side completely set up already. He had posters of some really great bands hanging up; maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. My roommate was nowhere in sight, until a few minutes later that is. "You must be the new guy!" He enthusiastically exclaimed from behind. I turned around to see an average height bloke with black skinny jeans, blue vans, and a simple white v-neck standing in the doorway. Shit.

"Wow." He whispered. I could've sworn the silence filled the room for hours, but in a mere few seconds he made his way over to shake my hand. "I mean, you really pack light huh? I'm Louis, nice to meet you." He said with a smile upon his face. Are you fucking kidding me?

Let me give you a little history lesson here, a few years ago, I was at a boarding school in Manchester. I had a pretty tough time there, but my best friend helped me through it all; my best friend Louis Tomlinson. We literally did everything together, until one day he just wasn't in class, and never came back. I tried calling, texting, even emailing, but I never heard from him again. Now this asshole, who clearly knows who is standing in front of him, is pretending he has no fucking clue. Nice. Okay Tommo, if that's the way you want to play it, buddy.

"Harry." I smile as I shake his hand. "Well Harry, welcome to room 22." And just like that, Louis left the dorm. It took me a minute to wrap my head around the situation. This guy really screwed me over. I was going through one of the hardest times in my life, and he had always been there for me. Always. Fuck, we even spent Christmas together one year. There's no way he doesn't remember me, I thought. Minutes later, Gemma walked in to check on me before heading out. "Hey Harry, you good? I need to get back on the road." She said as a tear fell on her cheek. "Really, Gemma?" I questioned. I walked over and gave her a hug knowing that's all I could do in this moment. As Gemma walked out of my room, she brushed past an entering Louis, and gave him a startled look. I motioned for her to keep quiet, so she left without a word.

"That your girlfriend?" Louis asked. You know very fucking well that's my sister. "Nope, my sister." I decided to go with. "Hot." Louis stated before throwing on some headphones and collapsing on his bed. I rolled my eyes, and then my phone went off. "Um, Harry. Tell me that wasn't who I think it was?!" Gemma texted. I ignored it, because frankly, I had no idea what was happening.

A few hours had passed, and I finally had everything in order. I looked over to see Louis in the same position still, and decided to head over to Niall's dorm. I knocked on dorm number 27, and before I knew it, Niall was standing at the door. "Styles! Welcome to Palace Horan!" He remarked. Palace? More like dump. At that moment I was kind of happy Niall wasn't my roommate.

"How's the room?" He questioned. "Room? Great! Roommate, not so much...." I sighed. "Sorry man, what's the problem?" He asked. "My roommate? Yeah, my roommate is Louis fucking Tomlinson." I sigh and throw myself face first on to Niall's unmade bed. "No!" He remarked. "Oh wait, here's the best part. He's pretending he has no clue who I am." I turn around and stare at the ceiling.

"Uh no. That asshole might think he can get away playing that on you, but I'd like to see him try denying who I am. Be right back." Niall said determined. "NO." I firmly state. "If that's the way he wants to play, then let the games begin." I sigh looking up at the ceiling in pure confusion and disappointment.

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