Chapter 1

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Augustus Yang waited at the pole for his uber. He believed it was supposed to be a bus stop, but it would do. His red hair was a bit outgrown and straight as the front part hung like a curtain over his almond-shaped light brown eyes.  It often irritated him during his studies or when he ran errands. His black umbrella sheltered him from the rain that drummed roughly down on the concrete, causing a coat of mist to hover over, the fresh scent of rain overwhelming his lungs gracefully.  His shoes were black and faded converse but a bit worn, as he preferred to save his best pair for specific occasions. He was wearing a black rain jacket that was a bit big on him, hanging over his wide sloped shoulders and tracing down to his shins almost like a cape. His jeans were half soaked, regret making him uncomfortable for not wearing pants more appropriate for the weather. His two suitcases, which luckily were waterproof, were half sheltered under the black umbrella on either side of him. Unfortunately, there was no bench for the bus stop, which Augustus didn't mind too much but his legs were a bit tired from standing for so long. Ready to rest and enjoy a three-hour car ride to Creekwood.

He listened to the rain as thoughts ran through his mind. He didn't know what to expect from Creekwood, nor the high school he was to attend there. He had only ever been there once to look at the apartment he was supposed to be housed in thanks to the money that had been waiting for him in the bank. When Augustus decided there was nothing left in Chestle City, he desired a fresh start and an opportunity to reinvent himself. Though he would not be able to do this academically, he felt he could still turn things around and try to move on from his past.

After the death of their parents as small children, fraternal twins Augustus and his sister April had lived with their rather wealthy aunt and uncle until they were needed in a completely different state on very short notice for work. Leaving the house in their name, they decided to let the young teens manage on their own while they were away, the twins were old enough to care for themselves. They were also very mature sophomores for their age and never took a liking to hosting parties or going out for days on end like most. No, they enjoyed each other's company very much and were as thick as thieves.
Until everything changed and the accident occurred. Now,  here he was, alone.

Now, Augustus preferred to be alone. To think for himself and to separate himself from his peers, not being able to associate himself due to the amount of life many high school seniors seemed to embody. Or how much they loved to talk about themselves or someone else, how they never seemed to say what they were thinking but say what they thought everyone else wanted to hear. At times, when Augustus brought himself to speak to anyone his age, or anyone at all for that matter, he found himself under the impression that he had made himself an audience for someone else's act. Growing sick of that, he started to isolate himself a bit more, drowning himself in his own thoughts and observations about other people.

He did not feel superior to everyone else, let that not be mistaken. However, he had lost the ability to connect with others and actually apply himself to those around him and to who he spoke. Not to mention, after the accident, he had developed a form of social angst. Which often made him a bit quiet around others as the anxiety twitched under all the layers of his skin. His psychosis, which resulted from a head injury during the car crash that killed his parents worsened, making him dangerously aggressive and being forced into therapy by his aunt and uncle until he was a high school senior. After turning eight-teen, Augustus left his aunt and uncle, not being able to take being around them. As they treated him like a freak since he had many relapses after the accident that changed everything. They did not know how to deal with him, so they often treated him like a problem.

So, here he was. Having left their house only hours ago in the morning while they slept, his stuff pre-packed from the night before.

Augustus pulled out his phone, opening the lock screen, finding no text messages or missed phone calls. This did not surprise him. He was not even sure if he had his aunt and uncle's number registered in the device. The wallpaper was black, the case was black, and there were no apps or social media for entertainment. The only apps downloaded on the phone were uber and uber eats. He thought these might be needed in the next few days.

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