The World That Didn't Belong

Start from the beginning

The Noble Phantasm, a reality marble spell, Unlimited Bladeworks, had the ability to forge any sword based Noble Phantasm or weapon based on what the user knew. However, extra powerful Noble Phantasms like Excalibur couldn't be made by people like Shirou. A Holy super powerful blade like that would at most, become an inferior copy in the hands of Unlimited Bladeworks.

However, King Arthur was the only person to have ever wielded the holy blade. She knew it inside and out like nobody else did.. her knowledge and memory of the blade was greater than any person who ever lived with the exception of the Lady of the Lake. 

Which meant not only could Arturia easily create Excalibur with Unlimited Bladeworks.. Each copy she made was also just as strong and powerful as the original.. 

An Endless supply of the most powerful blade in existance!? Arturia was FAR more dangerous than Emiya Shirou.. and not just that.. she was downright terrifying.

Arturia dissapeared ina  flash of speed and reappeared directly behind Vader.. her bow and the three Excaliburs aimed pointblank at the back of Vader's head.

 Vader ducked only just in time as the three Excaliburs blasted past, and exploded straight into the ground in front of him.

A golden shockwave blasted out from where the blades impacted, causing Vader to have to hurl out a shockwave of the Force to blast back both Arturia and block the shockwave. 

Vader whirled around and slashed down his blade at Arturia.

Arturia's bow dissapeared in a flash.. and she conjured up two Excalibur's one in each hand, dual wielding the two  powerful swords easily. 

The two fighters became a blur.. their blades clashing repeatedly, multiple shockwaves and sparks flying from the rampant attacking. 

Arturia Archer was about the same speed as her Saber form, however, her eyes were sharper, allowing her better reflexes to more counter Vader's Force senses.

Even with only one arm to fight with, Vader was still extremely formidable, even in this state he could easily overpower Servants like Pennywise, and even subdue Jason.  The fact that Arturia was lasting this long was impressive.. Most Impressive..

Vader felt a burning thrill in him that he had never felt before.. 

It was the desire to do battle.. not just bloodlust.. no.. it was the THRILL of a fight. Unlike Gilgamesh who had a swollen head and knew nothing of working for thrills, Arturia knew how to create a fight that truly required skill to win instead of just raw might..  even if Vader was at full strength, perhaps he'd go easy purposely just to see how this fight could be provided..

"Yes... Arthur!!" Vader said. "SHOW ME!! Use your anger!! Give in to your hatred!! Show me what you can do!!"

Arturia leaped back.. and Vader raised his lightsaber, as the Dark of the Force exploded out... and multiple giant pieces of rubble threw themselves at Arturia.

Arturia charged.. as she did, multiple Excaliburs formed in a burst of light, levitating with her.. carving through the stones as she tightened her grip on the two Excaliburs in each hand. 

"DARK FORCE SABER!!!!!" Vader hurled out a powerful slash, and a red and black energy blast exploded outwards. 

Arturia somersaulted through the air, dodging the blast just barely before kicking off the side of a building and blitzing right at Vader's side. 

"VWWWMMMMM!!!" Vader's blade hummed as it slashed back to block Arturia's strike and a massive energy shockwave exploded from the blades making contact, sending both warriors flying backwards.

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 4: Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now