Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

How was I going to tell Rachel that she needed a blood test? The one thing she feared the most. I got up and grabbed a tray and then made my way around the room collecting everything I needed, Rachel just sat and watched me the whole time with a skeptical look on her face, I grabbed some gloves and put them on before making my way back over and setting the tray down on the desk.

Rachel's POV

"Rach, because you haven't had one for over two years you have to have a blood test" Harry said while grabbing hold of my hand
"No way!!!" Was the only reply I could find whole shaking my head no
"You don't have much choice babe, I'm sorry and I wish I didn't have to but I do and so I need you to just relax and get it over with, please love" Harry said while opening things in wrappers from the tray he had and I knew that one of them was a needle and it freaked the hell out of me!!!!
"I'm not having it, end of! there's no two ways about it, I'm not having it!" I screamed at him while yet another stream of tears made their way down my face
"Rach, look at me!" I stayed staring at my hand until Harry put his finger under my chin and pushed it up forcing me to look at him, he looked genuinely sorry and maybe even upset that he has to do it and I know it's just his job but I can't do it, I refuse to have it done
"Rach you know I don't want to do it right? I don't want to be the reason your upset and scared but two years is a long time to not have had a single blood test, it'll be really quick and over before you know it, please just stop crying and calm down" he said stroking my cheek with his thumb. i shook my head because I just can't do it! I can't have it and not because I'm just being stubborn but because I just can't face it!!

Harry's POV

While I was talking to her I had sent Zayn a quick text to ask him to come down but he is with a patient and I know I can't leave her alone to go see if anyone else is available because she'll leave and so I moved to plan b and I gave Liam a quick text

H- 'can you pop down to my office of your free please?'
L- 'okay, be there in 5'

I just need someone to sit by her and hold her arm still and talk to her because if I try it now she will pull away and could end up hurting herself

*knock knock*
"Come in" I shouted while placing mine and Rachel's hands together to let her know it's okay, Liam walked in and so I stood up and greeted him with a hand shake and a quick 'hi'
"Rachel this is liam, liam this is my little sister Rachel"
"Hiya love, nice to meet you" liam said sticking his hand out to shake her hand but she just looked away and so I just shock my head at him and he got the idea that she's scared because that's usually how we communicate these things
"Harry I've got to go" she said as she stood up ready to leave
"Sit down rach, you've got to do this babe" I said catching hold of her hand before she reached the door
"I don't want to and so I'm not" she screamed, tears running down her face.
"Come and sit on the bed and just calm down" I said pulling her over, she sat down but I could tell she was still very nervous and so I just have her a quick hug and wiped her tears before calling liam over.
"Rachel, there's nothing to be worried about okay? You just need to calm down and learn to trust us" Liam said smiling at her but she didn't show any signs of giving up, so I just went over and got the tray and set it down beside her to which she completely freaked out and started to try and get up again but liam pushed her back down and said "Harry is your brother and so you know him better than anyone! Would he ever do anything to hurt you?" She shook her head no "and so you've got nothing to worry about because he's not going to hurt you now, all I'm gonna do is hold your arm nice and still to make it easier for everyone okay?"
She shook her head no again and so I gave Liam the nod and he sat next to her, on the side I was and pulled her in for what would seem like a normal hug but he ensured her arm was behind him giving me access to it and he would then be able to hold her other arm and the rest of her body still while I steadied her arm and did the blood text.

I cleaned her arm with an alcohol wipe and grabbed the needle removing the cap and getting ready to insert it but I couldn't keep her arm still enough to not hurt her and so I went and got sophie to hold her arm for me.

Rachel's POV

Liam had me right and I couldn't move but I gave it everything I had to move and I managed to move the arm that was free but nothing more but that seemed to work as Harry just left the room. Two minutes later he walked back in with a nurse and I already knew their plan and so I shook my arm furiously but she got hold of me and I couldn't move anymore, the only thing I could do was sob into Liam's chest while they tortured me and he just kept whispering "it's going to be okay, just calm down and breathe" over and over again.
"Sharp scratch princess" Harry said and he wasn't lying, it sting so bad and I couldn't stop them.
"Almost done love" he said and seconds later I got my arm back and the rest of my body but I didn't fancy sticking around any longer so I ran out if the office as soon as I could and I didn't plan on going back any time soon

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