May, 2019

9 0 0

May 3rd, 2019

Dear Diary,

You want to know what? I'm BORED......... HELP ME!

Aaagh....... It's almost summer break, and I think I might die of boredom before it comes..... Well.... I'll make it. I just have to. I can't miss Dairy Queen's grand opening!

May 9th, 2019

Dear Diary,

Everybody in school is talking about their summer break plans. It just makes me more miserable! How am I supposed to wait one more month? It's not like I even have any summer plans to talk about in the first place.......

May 15th, 2019

Dear Diary,

Guess what!!!!!!! I was invited to Amanda's birthday party this Saturday!!!!! 0_0!!!!! (FYI Amanda is very popular at school, but not stuck-up and snotty like most of the other girls. She's actually a pretty decent person.) It's a POOL PARTY!!!!!!! I'm not even sure if it's warm enough for that, though....... But WHO CARES?!?! IT'S A POOL PARTY!!!!!! Violet (my BFF forever) is invited also! I can't wait!

May 18th, 2019

The pool party at Amanda's wasn't as expected, but it was actually really fun. Some guys spilled all the lemonade in the pool, and tossed in the brownies........ No one new what it actually was except for Violet and me. Everyone evacuated immediately because they all thought someone just had an accident in the pool. Hilarious!

Amanda wasn't so amused, though. She commanded whoever did it step out and explain themselves. Those guys with their eyes wide open tried to escape while they still could, but they got busted by Amanda. Who knew she could be so scary?

(Diary/Journal) Life as a TweenWhere stories live. Discover now