16// Alrighty then...

616 17 8


So this chapter I needed to write in a scene from the upcoming untitled avengers film in order to follow the plot line I liked. Obviously the film isn't out so I have no idea what will be in the film. Instead I've written a scene based on a fan theory I read; so if you read this after May of 2019 or even before I guess sorry but this is clearly not an actual scene from the new film. Lols I think it's a pretty cute idea though
Love E x


After his chat with Betty, Chris needed to talk to someone himself. He could have spoken to Betty, but he'd decided she had too much of her own stuff to handle that she didn't need to be thinking about his problems too. Sebastian had been his best friend as well as his boyfriend and now he had to carry on without either and it was his own fault, he felt anchorless and the later it grew, the more it showed in his acting. They called it quits around 10 p.m and decided they would move onto the heavier scenes, emotionally, tomorrow.

Out of tiredness or denial (he wasn't sure which one) he'd automatically taken himself to Sebastian's trailer after he was done for the day. He stopped before stepping on the first step to the door and remembered they weren't together anymore. He stared at the door for a moment before coming to his senses and turning away, Seb was watching him curiously from the window, hoping he would have come in, just for tonight maybe... He'd been struggling to sleep since they had broken up, the sofa wasn't comfortable and his bedroom had too many memories. He debated going after Chris, and then thought better of it, putting himself to bed with an unshakable gloom hanging over his head.

Tomorrow they would be filming one of four alternate endings, only Benedict, the Russo Brothers and the editing guys would know the true ending until the premiere in May of 2019, all were just as likely and heart breaking as the others, and Seb wasn't allowed to read the exact script until tomorrow which concerned him because too many of them involved acting with Chris, and he didn't know if he would be able to but still, he tried not to worry too much as there wasn't anything he could do lying there in bed.

Chris made his was to RDJ's trailer, well... the trailer he actually slept in. As usual, RDJ was awake when he was needed and greeted Chris warmly, pulling him through the door.

"Are you going to ask what you came here to ask?" Robert pressed softly at the metaphorical wound Chris was scratching open, and Chris nodded, taking a deep breath.

"How did you know I was bi-sexual?" Robert smiled, something he just knew, and that was as far as the explanation could go, but that answer would not do for this specific conversation. "There's a certain look a man get in his eyes, when he sees what he truly loves. Take it from a man who married for adoration once and then for love the second time. You have this whole demeanour that you wear on you that, once someone knows you, they can see through; it says to them, I know who I am, and where I stand, but where should I be really? When you're with Sebastian, it's different; you give off the impression that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and it lifts your personality. You get that look in your eyes when he walks into the room and the look makes all the difference to how people perceive you."


"Your mum knows as well, but she saw it in Sebastian first." Robert added "We've discussed it at length."

Chris, by that point, was thinking too heavily on the first revelation from Robert to process the second one. His feet moved swiftly back to his own trailer and for the first time since he and Sebastian ended their relationship, Chris got into his own bed. He should have slept, and prepared himself for what was warned to be a pretty heavy hitter, emotionally, but instead he stayed up half the night, watching back interviews he had done with Sebastian, and then compared them with interviews he had done with other actors; once he could see the difference he couldn't stop himself from watching video after video of them together.

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