10// Finally

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They broke for lunch around 1 and Harrison texted saying they'd all been invited to Downey-Town for food,

"Sounds good," Tom replied after Betty read the text out to him whilst he pulled on some tracksuit bottoms over his skin tight grey onesie. They began walking to Downey-Town and Tom found himself wondering if it would be weird for him to take her hand again, he knew that what happened before was her way of letting him know she was there for him, but if anything he needed her more now, having to walk into a bombard or questions from his cast mates who had probably heard about the incident on set already. Gossip flew around the set at an unprecedented rate, so there was no question as to whether people knew.

"Mummy," Roo ran to her and greeted her with a hug around her legs quickly before dragging her by the hand over to her table where Mackie and Seb were already sat. She fell into the seat beside Sebastian, resting her hand on Seb's shoulder to silently let him know that she was willing to keep his secret.

"Hey," he smiled at her after that, before they all let Mackie run the conversation for a while.

"Hey, Scarlett," THE Scarlett Johansson introduced herself with a bright smile, "It's great to finally meet you."

"Finally," Betty repeated questioningly with a laugh.

"You're all anyone has talked about all week; I've never seen anyone have this sort of effect on the cast before." Scarlett expanded,


"Yeah, I've been waiting for Tom to invite you back all week."

"It's not like I didn't try but Betty works and has a kid, she's very busy." Tom defended while Betty just blushed from all the complimentary things being said about her.

"Look who I found sat all by himself outside Seb's trailer," RDJ arrived finally, with an arm wrapped firmly around Chris' shoulders, Chris offered a small smile and Betty felt both Tom and Sebastian tense up either side of her. Tom gave in and slid his hand into hers beneath the table; she could feel him shaking as he intertwined their fingers- that was new, it felt more personal this time, but Betty didn't have the heart to put a stop to it even if her better judgement was warning her that she was making a mistake.

"Are we going to discuss the elephant in the room?" RDJ questioned and the three of them and Chris audibly each held their breath. What was he going to bring up? Would it be the incident on set, or how cold Seb and Chris were acting towards each other? Maybe he had seen the article about Sebastian and his trip out last night. "Betty is back in the wife seat." He smirked, watching the four all exhale, with amusement "What did you think I was going to say?" No one replied, but Tom shifted a little in his seat "Oh you thought I was going to bring up the fact that Seb's a bit bent." Mackie choked on his drink, having been unaware of any subtext within the conversation.

"That is 100% offensive." Seb grumbled, apparently not bothered that Robert just full on outed him.

"You're gay and you didn't tell us?" Scarlett asked for Mackie, who was still choking

"You didn't know?" RDJ asked, having thought it was obvious this whole time "Come on, that hair and the tailored trousers didn't ring any bells?" Seb wasn't sure what to feel but it wasn't important because Robert wasn't done. "That and the fact that he and Evans have been bumping uglies since day one,"

"Dude" Chris exclaimed, neither of them had ever told anyone outright and the fact RDJ figured it out wasn't a reason to be annoyed, but the way RDJ blatantly exposed them had both men pretty pissed off. "What the hell?"

"Oh I'm sorry, are you not?" RDJ smirked, thinking he was onto them.

"No we're not actually." Seb ran his hand through his hair and bit down on the inside of his cheek, feeling a burn in his eyes. "Not anymore..." he added, looking over to watch Chris' reaction, but Chris was just watching for his and so they both looked away.

"What is the wife seat?" Betty questioned, changing the subject before too many more questions were asked.

"You were in the wife seat?" Mackie questioned, letting his usual cocky smile flood his face "Well damn Holland,"

"What's the wife seat?" she repeated, a little frustrated this time at not having an answer

"Don't call it that man," Tom whined, bringing the hand that wasn't still holding onto Betty's up to his face to cover the red in his cheeks for a moment

"It's what they call the seats on set if an actor's partner in sat in it." Chris explained, letting himself smile and enjoy the ridicule being aimed at Tom, as usual- it reassured him that his friends didn't actually care if he was gay. He didn't dwell on the idea that it meant he'd been wrong and had potentially lost the love of his life for no reason because he didn't want to dwell on it. He wanted to be happy for the minute.

"Did you know about this?" Betty asked, turning to Tom with a shock exploding in her smile,

"I didn't think people took it so seriously." He defended

"You knew and let me sit there without telling me?"

"Oh Tom, looks like you're in trouble now..." RDJ smirked

"Don't think you're off the hook," she span around and pointed at RDJ, her mum voice coming out as she spoke "You were there and you didn't tell me either." She pointed out before crossing her arms and slumping in her seat "I thought we were friends." She joked, narrowing her eyes for emphasis and the group laughed.

Chris had already left and the rest of the group was just about to disperse when Seb spoke up again,

"Guys, I know it's out that I'm gay, but nobody knows about Chris and I don't think it would be fair to throw him under the bus. He'll come out when he's ready, but I don't think he is yet." Everyone nodded, agreeing mutually to keep it a secret "And for the record, it wasn't just sex, I really love him, he's just not ready yet." Tom smiled and breathed a little easier for the rest of the day after Seb's little revelation.

Betty didn't go back to set with Tom after lunch, he was moving onto a new scene and she wanted to make sure Sebastian was okay. He wasn't. She found him sat alone in his trailer, a few tears falling from his eyes,

"Hi," she announced herself and he jumped up to compose herself "I was wondering if you wanted to talk," she offered and he huffed a laugh, because that's what Tom had offered him too. "I get that our situations are quite different, but I do know how it feels when you try to protect something with everything you have by hiding it away, only for it to break itself apart and all your work and effort to be flushed down the toilet."

"Did you love him?" Seb asked, sitting back down on the floor and watching as she shook her head "Does that make it easier?" her shoulders slumped a little she slide to the floor beside him

"He isn't constantly in my head and I don't see him in everything I do, which is easier; I can pretend he doesn't exist all the while I have other people to focus on, but when it's just me, I remember and that hurts. I know I'm not going to trust very easily next time, I can tell because it took me a few years after Kieran died to even think about having a relationship again. I'll definitely be more cautious next time about being hiding things from those who care about me. If I had loved him, I don't know how I would have survived it all." She admitted, realising she'd needed this conversation just as much as Seb had because she hadn't talked to anyone about this side of the relationship up to this point.

"I don't know what to do." He admitted, fiddling with his hands. "I figured he would have tried to get me back by now- this isn't the first time we've broke up from this, but he hasn't even tried. Then there was that girl earlier and I just don't feel like he is going to this time." Betty's heart went out to Sebastian, he was falling to pieces and the one person he would have depended on to keep him together, is the one at fault.

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