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Hi guys! Let me just start by saying thank you for reading this story, I know you technically haven't started yet, but you thought that summary was good enough to check it out, so thank you. 

This first chapter is just me stating some things I think you ought to know before you start reading. I'll try keeping it short, but.... no promises.

I'll start with a quick description, so this is a fic vaguely based off Katy Perry's The One That Got Away. And it's Keith describing how he felt when Lance and him interacted the summer they met. How he fell in love, basically. I wrote it as if he is writing a letter to Lance describing that summer. 

Okay, first off, if you're here because you read my other Klance story 'Red String Of Fate,' I want to tell you that the writing style I used for this story is nothing like I did with that one. I really, really, enjoyed writing like this and will definitely try something like this again. I suggest you read the first chapter so you know what to expect :)

 This story is also published on AO3 under the same username and title if you want to read it there.   

Then I wanted to say a thing about the length of these chapters. The book consists of scenes described from Keith's point of view (as he writes the letter), and I'll try to keep the chapters around 1000 words, but I don't want to split scenes into two. On my AO3 I posted it as one long chapter, and I really like that better, but then it'd be one 10000 words long chapter. So I chose this instead. 

Oh, and I'm sorry the cover is different from my 'theme,' I just really liked this. TBH it's annoying me that it's different but whatever. 

Lastly I wanted to say that I love reading comments so leave every thought you have! I'll always try to respond because I think that's just fair. Oh, and leave any oneshot ideas, or headcanons, or whatever, too, because I'd love to write some things you'd want me to :)

If you read this 'till here, you're a bean <3

Then, without further ado, start the story!

We Fell In Love Over Summer - KLANCEWhere stories live. Discover now