Gone Forever

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Today was a beautiful, sunny day at Camp Half-Blood. All the couples in camp were sitting on picnic blankets, basking in the sweet fragrance of the baking strawberry fields. Percy was feeding Annabeth a strawberry while she leaned against his shoulder, Jason had snaked a hand around Piper's waist while Frank and Hazel, who were paying a visit, were cuddling like the adorable couple they were. You and Leo were sitting on a red and white checkered quilt, silently enjoying each others presence- well, in your head you were.

In reality, Leo had just come back after a month with a new girl (Callina? Chloe?) who, though you hated to admit it, looked like a goddess. The way her silky caramel hair tumbled down her shoulder in a perfect braid, her flawless skin, her sparkling eyes and her pouty lips that drove guys mad. Standing beside her, you felt incompetent and clumsy.

At the moment, Leo was guiding Calypso around Camp Half-Blood, excitedly showing her the sword-fighting arena and the forges. He had even told her about Bunker 9, which made you feel a little jealous. It had taken weeks of pleading and prying for Leo to tell you about his secret dwelling, but with Calypso, she hadn't even asked and he had shown her.

You felt a pang of dejection stab your heart. You had hoped that Leo would come and sit with you on the soft blanket, laughing and telling you those stupidly funny jokes of his. Leo had only given you a few hugs here and there since he came back on Festus. He would always dodge your questions about how he knew Calypso and why he knew her, only mumbling a few words like "Some island," and "Broken dining table."

Your eyes trailed after Leo and Calypso, misery seething through your body. Leo had slung an arm casually over Calypso's shoulders, grinning that grin you had come to love. That girl was nothing like Percy had described her. In Percy's point of view, Calypso was sweet and caring, who had been reluctant to let Percy leave but had still heroically allowed him to go in order to save his camp. Right now, Calypso was a rude and smart-mouthed girl who had cursed Percy's girlfriend (and your best friend) Annabeth, and was always clinging on to Leo's arm. You preferred Percy's version of Calypso.

Currently, Calypso was trying to stroke Blackjack's mane. The ebony horse was backing away, neighing out very, erm, inappropriate words. Yes, you understood him because you were a daughter of Poseidon, the great Percy Jackson's half-sister. But judging by how close the two of you were, people would have guessed that the two of you were twins. You and Percy both had that hilarious, sassy personality with a hint of adorable cluelessness, and a fierce will to protect friends and family.

You saw Calypso approaching your pure-white pegasus, Tyberion, and you had the urge to storm up to that girl and slap the wits out of her. Tyberion attempted to kick Calypso in her gorgeous face, but that girl (unfortunately) ducked out of the way. Luckily, she got a whole load of horse tail hair in her face.

The day passed by faster than expected. Before you knew it, you had finished a game of Capture The Flag (Your team won, but a few people had been cut and fallen into the mud, much to Will's dismay), eaten up a delicious dinner of barbecue (You and Percy had almost been sent into a mini-war over the kebabs), and begun to head back to your cabin.

"Hey, where's Leo?" Percy asked, looking around in case Leo was disguised as a bush or something. "He usually walks back with us, doesn't he?"

You glared at Percy wearily. "He hasn't walked back with us for weeks, Percy. He's too busy hanging out with her," you pointed towards Calypso, who was giggling at another joke Leo had told her.

Percy frowned. "You mean... he ignores you and stuff?"

"Pretty much," you shrugged, still gazing towards Calypso's direction.

Percy stopped walking, which made you halt to a stop as well. You looked at him questioningly.

"I don't wanna sound like an annoyingly over-protective big brother or anything, but if he hurts you, I'm going to take out Riptide and-"

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