A Fire Filled Night (Lemon)

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I sat on the bed I shared with my boyfriend, Leo. We met at Camp Half Blood, the safest place for our kind. Sighing, I realized he wasn't coming home anytime soon. Chiron had asked him to build something for one of the war machines. He could build Iron Man if he wanted, but he chose not to. I pulled on my clothes and grabbed the car keys. He sat quietly in a chair, the dust motes of Bunker 9 floating about. A sly grin inched its way onto my face, and I swished my hips all the way over to him.

"Leo.", I called, my voice sweet like honey.

His head snapped up at my voice and a smile appeared on his face. I sat on his lap, the hem of my skirt riding up. His hands snapped to my hips, thumbs rubbing circles into my skin. My arms snaked their way around his neck. My fingers lazily played with the curls at the nape of his neck. He left open mouthed kisses along my neck, sucking and nibbling on my skin, each kiss heating my skin more than the last. I was panting when he reached the junction between jaw and my throat. I tugged on his curls, redirecting his attention. I claimed his mouth, our lips meshing together. A small moan escaped my mouth when his hands skated up my sides underneath my shirt. I pulled my arms from around his neck and fiddled with the hem of his shirt, indicating I wanted it off. He complied, then quickly grabbed and twisted my shirt, lifting it up and over my head.

"Wait..", I panted. "Let's go home."
"In a little bit..", he responded before claiming my mouth again.
"Hey Leo, Chiron said you could--WOAH!!", a feminine voice shouted.

I jumped and swiveled my head to see Piper, Leo's friend. She smacked a hand over her eyes and turned around while I scrambled to find my shirt.

"Horny teenagers...", she muttered.

I pulled on my shirt and threw Leo's in his face. He snapped out of his sexual haze and quickly pulled on his shirt.

"I'm not a teenager! I turn twenty one next month.", I whined.

Piper still faced the exit. I could picture her rolling her eyes.

"That doesn't give you the excuse to turn into two horny rabbits and get it on wherever.", she said snarkily.
"You act like I didn't walk in on you and Jason.", I teased, walking out of Bunker 9 with Leo trailing behind me like a lost puppy.

Piper blanched, then a deep blush set in over her cheeks. I let out a laugh and continued walking to the car. Tonight was gonna be fun...

~short time skip brought to you by Drunken Octavious!~

I swung my body into the passenger seat and waited for Leo to start the car. He strapped on his seatbelt and put the car in drive. We only lived fifteen minutes away from camp so I had to make the car ride last. My hand crept up his thigh, rubbing circles on the inside. His whole body shuddered as he tried to focus on the road.

"What's wrong, baby?", I smiled innocently.

He scowled at me and tried to keep driving. I could feel him getting harder under my lithe fingertips. The car turned onto our driveway and I stepped out of the car, making sure my skirt inched up every step I took. When I stood at the front door, I looked back to see Leo shuffling awkwardly, trying to hide his hard-on. A giggle escaped my lips and I unlocked the door. Stepping inside, I threw my keys on the table and kicked my shoes off. Leo walked in behind me and pulled my back to his front. I slowly ground against his pelvis, hearing his breathing change and feeling him get harder.

"Why do you torture me?", he grunted, obviously trying not to moan.
"It's fun.", I answered and looped a tie around his neck.

Confusion spread across his features, but I just shook my head, not bothering to explain. I pulled his shirt over his head again, making sure to leave the tie on his neck. Pulling him along, I lead him to our room.

He stood in front of the bed. I slowly started to tug at his pants, teasing him with every touch. He grunted and groaned as I tantalized him. Once his pants were at his ankles, he kicked them off across the room, quickly yanking down his underwear after. He sprung free from his fabric constraints.

"Eager, are we?", I teased.

A loud moan escaped his lips when I teased his tip with the pads of my fingers. Slowly, looked up at him through my lashes while twirling my tongue around him. I pulled more and more of him into my mouth, until he hit the back of my throat. He let out a hiss as I started to bob my head up and down. I used both of my hands to pump the small part I couldn't fit in my mouth.
He moaned twice and I pulled him out of my mouth. I licked a stripe down the lone vein on his dick. His body shuddered as he orgasmed sweetly. His breath came out in pants as he came down from his high.

"It's my turn now.", he smirked.

My eyes widened at his sultry tone. He took my hand and pulled me to my feet, throwing me on the bed. I giggled again as he shimmied my skirt down my legs, his fingers leaving a blazing trail.

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