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Leo Valdez X Reader- Tea-Time

It was almost midnight and you were tossing and turning in your bed. Nobody had been getting a lot of sleep, but you were the worst. Even sleeping pills didn't help. So you had taken to roaming the ship. This time, you went to the kitchen.

At the last place you had stopped to get supplies, you had gotten some tea leaves. When you were at camp or your home, you had tea every single day. It was a good way to relax and unwind. Maybe it would help you sleep. No harm in trying, right?

When you got to the kitchen, you pulled out everything that you would need. The kettle, tea pot, cup and the tea leaves. Filling up the kettle, you put it on the stove. While you waited, you measured the correct amount of tea leaves and out it in the little strainer. Then you pulled out a little something to munch on. The kettle started to whistle and you quickly took it off of the stove so it wouldn't wake anyone.

"What's all the noise about?" A groggy voice said from the doorway.

"Holy Hera!" You yelped. The kettle slipped from your fingers and fell to the floor. Jumping back from the boiling water that was splashing everywhere, you slipped. But you never hit the ground. Arms had caught you at the last second.

"Sorry Y/N," Leo said.

"It's fine. I wasn't going anywhere anyways." You flashed a grin o him and he gave you one in return.

"Can't sleep?" You shook your head and went to prepare some more water in the kettle.

"Did I wake you up?" You asked Leo.

"Yeah. But it's alright. I would've woken up soon anyways."


"My turn for watch." Your mouth made an 'O' shape and you nodded in understanding.

"Still, I'm sorry." He waved his hand at you dismissively.

"It's fine." The kettle started whistling again and both of you jumped. Hurrying over to the stove you took it off and the noise died down. After you poured the water over the leaves in the pot, you pulled out another cup.

"Would you like some?" You asked, holding out the cup. Leo nodded and after the tea leaves were done giving what they could, you poured both of you a cup. You put two packets of sugar in your tea along with a little milk.

"Milk? Why are you putting milk in your tea?"

"It tastes good. Do you want to try it?"

"Sure," he said. He grabbed your cup and took a sip. You looked at him with the 'seriously' face. He sounded skeptical, but after he took a sip, his face changed.

"This is good!" You laughed.

"That's why I do it. It also helps cool it down."

You two continued to chat and drink tea until you were starting to yawn and drift off. Somewhere during that period, you two had gotten closer. Soon, you were asleep on Leo's shoulder. For the first time in weeks, you were in a deep sleep. Leo looked down at your peaceful, sleeping face and smiled.

Carefully, he put his cup down and picked you up. Navigating his way through the ship, he went to your room. He put you on your bed and covered you up with your blankets.

"Sleep well," he said after he kissed your forehead. Smiling at your peaceful form once more, he walked out of the room and left you to sleep.

In the morning you woke up and felt a little dizzy. You remembered the past events and blushed at the thought of Leo having to carry you to your bed.

You went down and found a sleeping Leo on the floor. You smiled at the sight and brought a blanket. You covered Leo up and sat next to him while reading a book. You waited for him to wake up, which took two hours and a half long, and blushed.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Leo asked.

You blushed and explained the previous events. You saw a pink tent on Leo's cheeks.

You stood up to leave him to do his work but then you leaned down and kissed him full on the lips.

You pulled away, blushed and muttered a 'see you around Leo' while leaving the room.

Little did you know that Leo was cuddling against your blanket while repeating over and over 'I love you.'

Little did both of you know that the rat of The Seven + Nico, Reyna, and Coach Hedge had been watching this scene through a hidden camera, and there were laughing their butts off.

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