Ch. 1- Parents...

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A/N - Hi! If you looked in the description you would know that this is my first story or fanfic. It'll probably be pretty bad but whatevs. Now, onward with the story. Also if there are spelling/grammar mistakes I'm sorry.

Zane's POV
I just came back from Travis' and was sitting on the couch when my mom started asking where I was at, "Where were you my little ZuuZuu you were gone so long?" "I was hanging out at Travis's Mum" "OoooOoo you were hanging out with your BOYFRIEND" Garroth interrupted. I blushed "H-He's not my boyfriend!" "Aw my little ZuuZuu is growing up" My mom said. "I said he's not my boyfriend!!" I said while still blushing. Vylad spoke up with, "Well, your blushing like you at least like him" "Vylad! I'm not blushing" I then left and went back over to Travis's"

Travis's POV
I heard a knock on the door and saw Zane come in. "What are you doing back here again Zane? And why are you so red" Zane just got more red. "I-I, my mom thinks we're dating..." "Well I wouldn't mind." Zane just looked shocked and happy at the same time. "Haha you shoulda seen the look on your face, I'm just joking, but why did you look so happy. Do you me?" "Uh, Um..uh n-no" He mumbled while blushing. I went up and hugged him, he hugged back, "So you do like me" He just nodded. I kissed him on his forehead and he shrunk back in what looked like embarrassment. 

Zane's POV
D-did he really just kiss ME! D-does that mean he likes me? "W-well d-d-do you like me!?" "Ever since highschool." (A/N - I didn't watch Pheonix Drop High or Falcon Claw University, so I don't really know what happened in that time). "" I gulped, "S-so, what about K-Kateyn" He just laughed, "She's cute, but I never liked her" I suddenly felt very jealous, "A-am I cute?" "Your a-door-able" I blushed even more.  

Zianna's POV
Where did my son go! He didn't go to Travis's did he? If he did their totally dating, I'll have to tell Sylvanna, Oh and Kawaii~Chan. She'll love the news!! I called Zane, "ZuuZuu, did you go to Travis's~?" "Y-yeah mum..." "EEEEEEEAAAAAAEEEEEEE, I HAVE TO TELL SYLVANNA AND KC!!" "Uh-oh" I heard Travis in the background "She's telling KC...dang."

A/N- Well thats all for this chapter, I hope you like it! I'll probably be posting once a week so watch out! Sorry its so short, I promise to make more longer and interesting chapters, also I'm bad with chapter names... Author~Chan is out!

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