"__y/n__." Khan called out, dragging you out of the memory that you wanted to preserve. You looked up, and his face was still as vacant as always, but worry etched designs into his eyes slowly until it was clear to see. He knew what was coming, and he wasn't telling you.

"Lieutenant, we're moving both you and Khan back to the brig. Bones and I are... Taking a closer look at some things." Kirk interrupted, causing your head to whip over and face him. You glanced at him quizzically, before sighing.

"Fine. We'll go. What exactly are you taking a closer look at?" You asked, frowning and crossing your arms as you stood in front of Khan by the doorway. Kirk growled something under his breath, causing you to murmur unheard curses under your breath about the Captain's idiocy.

"The torpedoes. We're-"

"You're just now inspecting them closer?" Khan snapped, advancing towards the Captain, but you gripped his arm tightly. It wasn't long before two other guards accompanied you in holding Khan back as well. Kirk glared at Khan spitefully.

"Seeing as one almost killed Bones when we tried to open it, yes, we're just now looking closely at the contents and analyzing them. Now if you'd excuse us, we have a frozen guy to look at." Kirk snapped right back, as guards tugged both Khan and yourself back to the brig. What bothered you the most was how rough they were treating Khan, jostling him purposefully and almost ripping his arm out of his socket, but he didn't flinch in the slightest. You marveled at his self-control. You knew he could easily rip their throats out, you saw him on Kronos only two weeks ago, easily killing a small army of Klingons.

You then realized Kirk's automatic message to Admiral Marcus about Khan.

"Let me go-!" You shouted, squirming violently in the death grip of one of the particularly bigger guards.
"I need to speak to the Captain!" The guard simply yanked your arm to the side, causing you to shriek in pain, needles shooting up your arm.

"The Captain is busy, if you needed to say something to him you should have said it before-"

You barely registered the thumps in the background were bodies until Khan was ripping the guard off of you, slamming him into the wall, a crack echoing through the halls. Khan looked like he had just lost it, his hair was wild, his eyes clouded by what looked like crazed anger, and his arms slowly squeezing the life out of the guard'a eyes.

"Never. Touch her. Like that. Again." Khan whispered menacingly, dropping the guard who clawed at his throat, gasping for air. All you could do was stand there, gaping.

"Khan..." You murmured quietly, walking up to him slowly. You reached your hand out to his, clasping them together as you studied his face.
"Did you-?"

"No. They are not dead. Simply... Unconscious. We should head towards the brig, we wouldn't want the Captain to worry over a criminal in his ship." Khan stated, walking ahead of you and slipped his hand out of yours. You frowned, following closely behind. It was then that you realized: he killed StarFleet members. He admitted to it, and he never really did anything to prove he was different. In fact, he purposefully hurt you just to try to ward you off. You were wary of him in the slightest, you were wary of him and what he might be planning behind your back.

The pair of you reached the brig, and Khan stepped expectantly towards the holding cell. You stared at him for a moment, and after his quizzical look that you realized he wanted you to open it. You rushed over to the control panel, the glass panel sliding up just enough so that Khan could slip through. You then released it, frowning slightly. Your silent meetings with always made you the most uncomfortable.

It was late afternoon, right after you had just gotten your daily lunch. You always tried to eat out of Khan's sight, you didn't want him seeing how much or how little you were eating each day, or how you looked while you ate. It was one of the things you silently wished you didn't have to do in front of people: eat. You were sitting at the control panel happy and full when you realized that Khan and yourself hadn't spoken to each other in hours, since you had arrived this morning. You were beginning to take night shifts as well, nervous of what Khan might do to anyone who dare disturb him, which meant you got very little sleep, and were therefore extremely tired and not up for talking certain days, or times of day.

You glanced at Khan, hoping to earn at least some sort of eye contact or recognition from him, but to no avail. He was simply staring ahead, at another holding cell that remained empty. You glance from the cell to Khan, wondering what he could possibly be thinking. Maybe if you asked him what he was thinking about, he'd answer you? It would be a first, since he rarely replied when you asked him such deep questions. He only blurted out his feelings when he decided he wanted to, or something was on his mind.

"__y/n__... I'm trying to concentrate on a plan. I'm sorry but I would prefer it be silent for at least an hour more." Khan replied simply, and you furrowed your brow. A plan? What kind of plan?

It was now that you realized it was an escape plan. One that might involve you, and possibly one you weren't going to like, unless he already saw something that was going to happen, someone else that would put their trust in him so he could escape.

But how? How would he do it? And...

Would he leave you behind?

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