Day Ten: Kissing.

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"Don't vake her up just yet, I 'aven't got ze camera out!"

"Damn it, shut your pie holes! She's wakin' up!"

"You are too loud, the both of you!"

"Sorry, Keptin. Eet won't happen again."

"Chekov, you can call me Jim, you know."

"But Keptin-"

"Chekov, call him Jim. No use arguing with him, the stubborn mule."

"Alvight, Doctor McCoy."

"I'm not a mule."

"Call me Bones, Please. And yes you are, Jim."

James grumbled.

"Would the two of you just keep quiet? I think she can hear us, and your little introductory ceremony can end any time soon. Lets just stop starting it right now."

"Keptin, I mean Jim, I don't zhink zat she vill like vhat she sees when she vakes up, eet isn't normal to 'ave three men in your room vhen you vake up..."

"Chekov, you're the one who volunteered to come."

"Oh, right. Forgot abou' zat. Sorry Kep- Jim."

"You know what? Keep calling me Captain. It sounds weird when you call me Jim. I'm so used to having you call me Captain."

"Yes, Keptin. I zhink eet does sound weird, too."

"Would you guys just please get out of my room and let me sleep?" You growled, rolling over and placing your face in your pillow. You had heard them talk for the past hour, and it was getting annoying. Why were they even there?

"Oh! Vee did not know you vere here!" Chekov stuttered, and you raised an eyebrow, smiling.

"Uh, this is my room, and you've been talking about me for over a half and hour. I think you knew I was here." You laughed lightly, sitting up in the bed and rubbing your eyes.

"Lieutenant, you've been giving a new position, down with Chekov in engineering." James stated, his expression a little more stoic than you were used to. The corners of your mouth turned down slightly.

"No thank you, I want to continue my position in guarding the prisoner." You stated right back, sitting up a bit taller.
"He doesn't listen to anyone else but me. I can still do the job you assigned to me, and better, since I don't have the stitches in anymore-"

"You're not seeing Khan again."

You smirked at how blissfully unknowing he was, and glanced down, fiddling with the edge of the bed sheets. You heard Chekov murmur something in Bones's ear, and you picked out a couple words. Captain, Brig, Kyolla. Oh shit. Chekov probably knew about your escape to see Khan, and the Captain mentioned seeing him on the brig. You suddenly tensed, and of course James had to notice it.

"What?" He asked, curious.

"I want to see Khan again."

"Didn't I just say no?" You glanced up and smiled sweetly. Of course he did. You just wanted the right answer.

"Yeah, but I think you're more of a yes-man."

"A what?" James grimaced.

"Please let me go see him."

Kirk scowled, grumbling to himself. He crinkled his nose and glanced away, frowning.
"Damn. Fine, but it has to be under surveillance by... Ky? Kyolla? Yea. She'll be there with you. Does that work, Sunshine?"

You nodded silently, smiling as Chekov uttered an awkward goodbye, and Bones and Kirk simply stated a quick and curt "Bye". As soon as the three of them were out of the room you grinned and jumped out of bed, throwing your uniform on. You were going to see Khan. You couldn't believe James would let you, it had only been, what, one day since he practically banished you? You just couldn't wait. You ran out of your room, but got sent flying backwards as you ran into someone.

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