distraught feelings

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, Tom frowns, burrowing his eyebrows. "Serves her right. Karma finally caught up to her." he must of been referencing the fact that Bella was the biggest school bully. Tom shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets, looking angry but satisfied. His disbelief seemed to vanish like it was never there.

A moment passes, nothing is said. You gaze else where, trying to find words to spit, however with no luck you sigh deeply. The room seemed a lot more bland without all the students. Hardly anything was on the walls, and not even a speck of trash or paper lay on the floor. What you did notice was a glowing light hanging on the bulletin board above the teacher's desk. It looked like a thicker but smaller version of a glow stick that hung by a string pinned by a thumbtack. Gingerly heading towards the mysterious light, you pull it down, causing the thumbtack to topple to the ground. The light rested still in your palm.

On it was a a small button, you clicked it and the light went out. You clicked it back on. Odd, you don't remember this here yesterday, not on anyway. Had Mrs. Henry finally come back?

Searching for more clues, you felt like a detective. The bulletin board held three pictures and a blank yellow sticky note. Leaning closer to see better, large words appeared stretched over the photos. The light! It was a black light, holding it over the photos allowed for a secret message to be seen.

A picture what seemed to be Mrs. Henry's daughters read, "I'M SORRY," and the picture of her husband read, "I KNOW WHERE THEY WENT." The bold words frightened you, coldness ran down your spine. You ran you fingers across the pictures, slowly moving towards the blank sticky note.

"What are you looking at?" a monotone voice sounded behind you. You snap around, hand on the pocket that held your knife. Tom, owner of the voice, took a step back, eyes widening. Sighing, you let your arm go limp and your aggression die down.

"I found a secret message." you mutter turning back to the sticky note. Tom leaned over your shoulder, trying to see as well. Lifting the black light to the paper, smaller words forming a sentence appeared in glowing blue ink. "Janitor's closet key in top left drawer." you whisper under your breath, reading the note. Looking around, you spot the teacher' desk and proceed to open the top left drawer. It was very empty other than a few loose pills and a single silver key that shimmered brightly. Before you could grab it, Tom snuck his hand in and snatched it out, observing it closely.

Tom looked back up at you. "I think we need to pay a little visit to the janitor's closet." he smirked. Without waiting for your response, he shoved the drawer close and took off at a fast pace out the door. You followed for you were curious too as to why Mrs. Henry left a key to the janitor's closet.

Suddenly, you ran into Tom's back as he abruptly stopped at the classroom exit. "Hey, wha-" your voice trailed off as Tom started to speak and you peaked around his shoulder.

"Sorry, Edd. What are you doing?" Edd stood back just a ways. Matt, the tall ginger you met yesterday, stood beside him and an awkward Tord stood just behind.

Edd smiled and shoved his hands into his pockets, you noticed he did that a lot when he spoke. "Nothing is happening much at school. We thought we would leave early and go ahead to the park."

Tom hesitated for a second, twiddling the key in his hand before shoving it into his pant pocket. "Sure, let's go." he chimed and lead Edd down the hallway. Matt jumped beside them, partly skipping with excitement. You admired his odd joyfulness-well everyone's odd optimistic behavior. It almost made you forget about the apocalypse.

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