Chapter 17

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When I opened the door it all seemed to happen in slow motion.

Josh and Jeremy looked up, confusion written all over their face. Aurora ran to me and jumped into my arms.

Time seemed to pause then. My head spinning with questions I didn't even think to consider.

What now?

If I just leave them, I leave myself open to more of this. What can I do? Where do I go from here?

Kill them! The ocean seemed to scream. And to be honest, I did consider it. But, I can't kill my daughter's father in front of her.

Coral shot out and tied the two men to the wall. Aurora pulled closer to me, her fear overpowering her excitement. Without sparing them a second glance, I took my daughter and walked away.

"It's okay, honey," I whisper as I stroke her back, taking every ounce of fear out of her, replacing it with joy and excitement. I took her to the last room on the ship and put her down.

"Mommy needs to go save someone else," I whisper, willing her fear to stay away, "I'll be right back, I promise!"

I locked the door behind me and as a precaution covered it with the strongest layer of coral I could manage. I sent her a last silent prayer before getting to the lead-room.

I hold my breath.

I put my palm on the door.

I turn the knob.

The door swings open.

There he was, Benji, back in his cage. My heart seemed to get crushed in my ribcage as I run towards him.

"No! Stop!" He shouted from behind the bars, and I paused, but it was too late. Iron chains came barreling towards me as the door shut behind me. Locking me down. Locking my powers out.

Other than the chains protruding from the walls, holding me against the cold iron, the room hasn't changed much. Benjamin looked at me from behind the bars with eyes that broke my heart.

"You shouldn't have come for me," he said eventually. His eyes dropping down to my feet.

"I couldn't just leave you here," I responded easily.

"You left me by the dock without a backward glance," he muttered then. His knuckles turning white as he grabbed the bars.

"That- That was different."

"Different how?"

"You weren't being held prisoner," I whisper.

"I was just released from being held prisoner for five years," he retorted, "and the only person who knew I was alive, drove away from me."

"Benjamin, I was angry."

"Angry, because I saved your life?"

"No, Benji! I was angry because I thought you kissed me," tears running down my face again.

"I did kiss you," he stated, his voice raspy with emotion.

"Yes, you kissed me so that I wouldn't pass out," I mutter, "I remember."

"That's why you're angry," he laughed then.

"What's funny?"

"I didn't kiss you to stop you from passing out," he said willing my eyes to meet his, "the ocean said you'll be able to breathe without the oxygen. I kissed you because it was the first chance I got. Because if you're going to kiss a married woman, you make damn sure you do it for a reason that no one can use against you."

"My marriage..." I trailed off, taking everything in.

"Is over," he finished for me, "I'd imagine after his last stunt, it can only be over."

"Yes," I whispered, "If I make it out of here alive, I'll make sure it's over."

"You're going to get a divorce?"

"Something like that," I mutter, his eyes go wide. His mouth opens to say something, but the door opens beside me, drawing my attention.

"Well, well, well," the person said as she strolled into the room, the door closing behind her, "what do we have here?"

"Terry?" I whisper, shock riveting through my body. She was the last person I expected to see.

"Yes," she smiled at me, "didn't expect me, now, did you?"

"No," I answer honestly.

"Well, it's all been me," she sang, twirling around in the room, "When you beat me to the job on that rig five years ago, I was livid. I spent weeks casing out the rig, figuring out how to get my revenge.

"The Geological Institute that hired me, found a weak spot in the ocean, just kilometers away from your rig. I could not believe my luck. They estimated that if it gets disturbed, a small tsunami will hit your rig and break at the town of Silvercrest.

"They were planning different ways to disturb it so that when it happens, they can control the evacuation and damage process.

"I, of course, had other ideas. I kept a lookout for you, I made sure you're on shift. Then I filled the bag with explosives and dived down to the estimated spot. And boom.

"When everything was done and dusted, I was disappointed to find you survived. But, then I found Benji and brought him and his powers to Jeremy. Everything else, I assume you're aware of."

I closed my eyes, taking in everything that she said. My fists clenching in anger. She did this. She killed my mother. She killed millions of people.

And there she's standing. Casually describing her role in all this, like she had every right.

She has no conscious.


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