Chapter 33-Planning and not so good timing

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Chapter 33-Planning and not so good timing

"No you're leaving the room for the painting."

"No. I want to help. So I will just wear one of Angelica's doctor masks'." I said putting it on over my mouth, he sighed shaking his head and I folded my arms triumphantly. We were working on the twins room, and I wanted to help paint. Tyler, Austin and Jeremy's room was blue theme and the new one was green. Can you believe we haven't even decided on names yet and I was about seven, close to eight months along.

"We haven't decided on names." I chimed placing the tape on the wall to designate where I wanted paint.

"Baby one and baby two." He said beginning to paint the top half blue.

"Ashton." I growled putting my hands on my hips. He sighed and smiled.

"Okay I pick one and you pick one."

"Okay so you name baby A and I will name baby B." I said painting the middle section.We got wooden panelling on the walls but it came in white so they weren't getting brown in about two months so I said let's just paint it. So I began painting.

"You go first."




"No Mitchell."I said.

" short form would be Mitch. I get it." He nodded a sly smirk spreading on his face. He was just trying to piss me off.

"Seriously Ashton?" I asked playfully.

"I didn't say anything." He laughed not meeting my eyes.

"Your turn." I said pulling over a chair so I could sit on it.

"Tsk tsk." He said thinking.

"Nick." He said.

"Nick?" I asked again.

"Yes it is much more simple." He said smiling again.

"Ashton don't make me dump the paint all over you." He shut his mouth but kept silently laughing. After about three hours that painting was done and I was starving.

"A big supper just for the lady." Our chef said gesturing to all the food laid out. I sat Jeremy in his chair while ashton did the same with Austin and Tyler. He set out bacon, steak, chicken, salad, potatoes, fries...and everything delicious and I ate it. I didn't gain any weight which was good. The little ones munched on fries and chicken, while as usual I made sure nothing went to waste.

"Is the tank full enough?" Ashton asked.

"Yep." I said drinking the last bit of water.

"Ashton." Ashton's father said coming into the room.

"Yes, sir." Ashton replied.

"I need to speak with you." Ashton nodded and got up and left the table. I sighed and began piling the dishes over.

"Nirvana." The chef chided.

"Sorry." I said laying the dishes down. No one would let me do anything. Which kind of annoyed me.

"Come on guys. Let's go get you cleaned up and jammies on." I said lifting them out. They all walked by themselves.

"Where's daddy?" Austin asked.

"He's talking to pops." I said rubbing his little head. For some reason these kids called Ashton's father "Pops" and Ashton's mother "Moms." Like they called me mommy but she was Moms.

"Pops?" Tyler asked.

"Yes." I said letting them go up the stairs first incase they fall.

When we were upstairs I began to run their bath.

"Okay bath time."I said taking off their clothes and placing them in.

"Hey." Ashton said kneeling down next to me.

"What did your father want?" I asked.

"Uhm...I'm leaving."

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"Just for three weeks."

"Just three weeks!? Ashton do you realize I am eight months pregnant tomorrow."

"Yes and I will be back. I promise." He said looking at me. His eyes said "trust me" but after the last time...

"Whatever." I shrugged.

"Nirvana..." He began.

"It's fine. I did it once by myself already. Whats the big deal." I shrugged again.


AN: once again these chapters will be short and boring because I am trying to spead along her pregnancy to her final kid.So don't get mad at me.

BTW I am making a sequel I just don't know what it will be called

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