Part 6 Jaebum's side/Final:The funeral

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"Today, we are gathered here to reminisce about Park Jinyoung and his....tragic death...." the priest said clearing his mouth as a tear slid down his cheek.This priest was named Hong Jisoo one of Jinyoung's closest friends."Now its time for everyone to say something about J-Jinyoung" he said and went first."J-Jinyoung w-was a good amazing person...." "He will forever be loved...."
"H-he was always f-friendly even tho he was so savage." Yugyeom said, holding in his tears but failed as they fell.
"He was kind...caring,a-and always nagged....just like a m-mom...." Bambam said and ended up in tears.
"J-Jinyoungie was w-was one of the best people in the world...." "No universe...." "He would always check on someone if they would be sad or angry..." "He was a true friend." Seokjin said.
"Jinyoung-ah was...kind,caring,generous,bright,and loving." "He was always there...." "Always there if one of us needed help." "He would never disappoint us...." "Ever..." Mark said as his voice cracked.He went back to his seat, shedding as many tears to fill a whole was my turn.....
" boyfriend...." "Ex boyfriend...." he said as he took a deep breath. "He always took care of me." "Worried about, and supported me..." "No matter what it was..." "He would always be there.." I said as tears tarted to fill my eyes. Blocking my voice from speaking. I tried to hold them in. But before I knew it those very tears came streaming down my face. I apologized and continued. "And what I regret the most is...that....I cheated on him." "I regret letting h8m die in sadness instead of just never telling him or never cheating on." "Yet....I still did it...." I croaked out, crying and going back to my seat.
~10 years later~
"Tell me Mr.Im, what is your biggest regret." The interviewer said.
"My biggest regret?" "Well that's easy." He said, thinking of Jinyoung "My biggest regret is making the love of my life die in sadness."
"And How did that happen?"
"Well, Mr.Kim that's private."
"Ah I understand." "What do you plan to do in the future?"
"Well in the future I plan to give all the money I earned to either charity or  my mother, father, and my sister."
"That is the last question." "We are done for the day Mr.Im." "You are welcomed to go home now." He said, standing up.
"I will, Kim."
~The next day~
"Breaking news." "CEO Im Jaebum was found dead in his apartment by his secretary." "The police say that he killed himself but left a note saying;
Dear people of Korea,
Never let your love go away,
or you will regret for the rest of your life.
Don't make the same mistake as me and
Live a regretting life. Don't live like me who
has killed himself.
                                                                       Im Jaebum
"It is very sorrowful but meaningful letter, please listen to this advice." "That is it for now, we will be back." She said as the cameras went off. She sighed. "Im Jaebum, what a dumb brother you are." She said, wiping her tears."

The End

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