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A/N: Over 200 reads. Holy cow! You guys are awesome. This will probably be my final chapter of this story, and I will take a break before starting the continuation of the second season. And now, here's the chapter. Happy reading!


The next day UA was closed, but Shota and I are still here recovering. As Recovery Girl focuses on helping Shota, Hizashi and Toshinori help me practice walking. I won't be able to walk on my own when the kids come back, but I'm on my way. At least I can sit up and stand without getting dizzy now. Recovery Girl says I might not get back the hearing in my left ear, but I can live with that. I may not do any more hero work, but I get to teach the next generation. I wasn't all that fond of being a hero anyway.

"Tonton." My brother says causing me to break my stare on Shota to look at him.

"Yes?" I ask

"You gettin' hungry?" He asks me. I think about it before nodding. I sit up in the bed and stand on my own, but Toshinori brings over a wheelchair for me to sit in. "We'll bring you back something, Aizawa." He says addressing Shota. He wheels me out of the infirmary and down to a nearby café. We order a couple sandwiches with something to drink and end up at a table near the back. "So, how ya doin?" He asks me.

"As good as I can be with a ruptured eardrum." I answer as I take a bite of my sandwich. He looks down at his food, not really touching it. What a waste. "If you don't finish it I can." I tell him. "I can't just let food go to waste." I hear him chuckle.

"We're quite the pair." He comments, making me chuckle.

"Yeah." I look down at my own sandwich. "Hey, Nori...I think I'm gonna officially retire from hero work." I say. I feel his shocked stare. "I've been thinking about it for a while. This just sort of made my decision for me." We sat in silence for a bit until I broke it. "I want something that I can't have if I continue to be a hero. Well, I mean I could but...what kind of connection would I be able to have with a child if I'm always running off to fight bad guys." I smile to myself.

"Wait...Are you..." I get what he's trying to ask, and I laugh.

"No." I say with a smile. "We've been too careful for that to just happen. I'm hoping we'll get married first, but if we have a kid before then I won't mind. Besides, you know I only became a hero because of Shota."

"I know, I know." He sighs. I can tell something's on his mind, too. "I've also been thinking about retirement." I raise one of my eyebrows.

"Yeah, I know, that's why you came here in the first place." I say.

"But, I feel like Midoriya won't be ready in time."

"You're doubting his" I chuckle. "Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?" He just looks at me. "He's struggling a bit, sure, but I know he'll get the hang of One for All." I whisper the last part of that sentence. "If I remember correctly, it took you a while too." I say with a smile. He chuckles back.

I finish my sandwich, and Toshinori's. He had only taken one bite of it. We then head back after getting a parfait cup to bring back to Shota. As I'm rolled through the door I see Shota standing by his bed, and I gasp in shock. He turns to look at me, and I feel a huge smile grow on my face.

"Shota..." I say softly. "You're up."

"I am." He says. He sits on the edge of the bed, now behind him. "I can't use my arms, but at least I can stand and walk on my own." Toshinori rolls me closer.

"Is that supposed to be some sort of jab at me?" I ask with a smile still on my face.

"Maybe." He answers with a light chuckle. I'm stopped in front of him and I slowly stand up, using Shota's knees as support. Once I'm fully situated on my feet I move my hands from his knees to the sides of his face. The bandages around his eyes have been removed, which means his eyesight has returned. I tilt his head down so I can kiss his forehead softly. He lets out a content sigh. I'm sure he would wrap his arms around me if they weren't in slings. He lifts his head up just enough to rest his forehead on my own.

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