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Poor Toshinori is stuck starting the acceptance 'letters'. He has to record a short video for each student accepted into the hero course at UA. Because of his stamina, though, he'll have to do it in short installments. It could take him about a week to finish them all. Shota and I end up heading back to the house. We'll be eating alone. He'll like that.

Let me explain why Shota and my brother don't really get along. Well, it's more like Shota doesn't like Toshinori. As long as I'm happy my brother could care less who I'm with. The main reason Shota has a grudge against Toshinori is because All Might is so flashy. It's not really a personal grudge, but a grudge against all heroes with super flashy quirks. It doesn't help that All Might is the number 1 Hero.

We get back to the house and I take off our shoes at the door. I then take the ridiculous sleeping bag from Shota. He heads for the kitchen as I fold it up as much as I can and put it away in the closet. Taking a deep breath I head to the kitchen where Shota is already preparing dinner.

"So, watcha makin'?" I ask him. He looks over at me as he answers.

"It'll be a surprise." He tells me. "Why don't you go change into something comfortable. You could even take a bath and relax for a bit."

"Ooo. I love surprises." I respond. "And a bath does sound really good right now." I walk over to him and kiss him lightly on the cheek before heading upstairs "Let me know when dinner is almost done." I call back to him. He wave at me, which means he will. Entering the bedroom I hurriedly take off my costume before going to the connected bathroom. I run the water and make sure it's warm enough to sooth my aches away. Without Shota around I would just train the entire day until Toshinori would get home from training little Midoriya.

When the tub fills enough with water I turn off the faucet and slowly get in. I take a deep breath and let it out, closing my eyes in bliss at the warmth enveloping my body. In my thoughts are the students that I'll be teaching this year. I can tell that some are going to have attitude problems, but overall they seem like they're going to be a fairly interesting class. After cleaning myself I begin to fall asleep when Shota calls up the stairs.

"Dinner's almost ready!" I snap open my eyes and sit up before calling back.

"Okay, I'll be down in a sec!" I stand up and grab the towel that I had put out before getting in the tub. I wrap it around me and head into the bedroom to pick out some clothes. Quickly picking some loose sweatpants and a baggy T-shirt, I get dressed and pat my hair dry. I don't bother brushing it. What's the point? Hurrying downstairs, I almost trip and fall on my face. Lucky for me, Shota was about to check in on me. He caught me before I hit the ground.

"How can you be so clumsy?" He asks as he goes to put me down, but I latch onto him, wrapping my legs around his middle and my arms around his neck. He groans a bit at the added weight that he was not expecting. "What are you doing?"

"I missed you so much." I whisper into his left ear. He lets out a sigh before using his arms to support me under my thighs. His head drops to my shoulder.

"I missed you too." He says. I nuzzle into his hair. Suddenly, my stomach growls fairly loud. I can't stop a laugh from escaping. "Alright, alright," He starts. I can hear the smile in his voice. "Time for food." He begins to walk towards the kitchen with ease, me still wrapped around him. Sniffing the air, I moan at the heavenly smell. I know just by the smell that it's something we made together on our first night in this place together.

"Home-made ramen." I sigh. He sets me down on a barstool at the counter where there are two bowls already set up. He goes and sits on the other side of the counter. "Itadakimasu (Let's eat./Thanks for the food.)" I say putting my hands together before digging in. I missed his cooking. I'm such a horrible cook. I mean, I can cook something simple, but I would never be able to make ramen as good as Shota. Toshinori and I ate out a lot in the last ten months.

Once we both finished eating, I cleaned up as he changed into his night time clothes. To be honest, they look similar to his costume. They fit the same way and they are a dark color. I don't care what he's wearing as long as he's comfortable. Although, I'd rather see him without his shirt. Just thinking about his toned chest causes me to zone out.

"Hey!" I hear him shout as he comes back into the kitchen. I snap out of it only to see that I've been spilling water all over the floor and the front of my night clothes. How did I not feel that?

"Ah!" I react, shutting the water off and grabbing the dish drying towel to try and clean up my mess. "Damn it." I scold myself. Shota then comes over with a bigger towel for the floor.

"What were you daydreaming about that you didn't even realize this was happening?" He asks in honest curiosity. I feel my cheeks heat up as I look away from him. He lets out a short chuckle and gets really close to my right ear. "Was it me?" A shiver goes down my spine as I feel his breath. This is a side only I get to see, and I love it.

"Of course it was you!" I see his eyes turn red and his hair fly up. I guess he's just being cautious. We don't need more of a mess to clean up tonight. "Who else would I be distracted by?" His hair falls and I begin to cool down a bit.

"I can finish cleaning up here. You can go change into some dry clothes." I nod at him and head upstairs I strip the wet clothes from my body and pick out a replacement T-shirt. I don't choose a second pair of pants because I'll just be going to bed now, and pants are so uncomfortable and constricting if I wear them to go to sleep. In just my panties and loose T-shirt I jump in bed and cover myself up.

As I wait for Shota to come join me I can't help but begin to fall asleep. I'm just about out when I hear the bedroom door open. I turn my whole body away from the door, knowing it's Shota. The bed dips and he turns the bedside light off. It doesn't take long for him to put an arm around my middle and pulls me back into his chest. I sigh in content and he kisses the back of my head.

"Goodnight." He whispers.

"Night." I reply as I slip into dreamland.

A/N: Aren't they cute? I wanted to give you guys more of the relationship between my OC and Aizawa since there hasn't been too much yet. I hope you guys liked it.

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