Chapter 36

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A week later
Y/n: Today is the day that we find out. Christina: I know I'm so excited. Y/n: what do you want it to be. Corbyn: I want a girl. Christina: I want a girl too. Y/n: I hope it's a boy. Corbyn: y/n everyone else that I have asked asked said that they hope it's a girl but you and watch it be a boy just because you said so. You and Christina just laughed. You all got in to the car and drove to the doctors. When you got there Christina went and checked in and then they called you all in there. They went through everything with corbyn and out the gel stuff back on Christina's belly. They then started the Machine and then we could see in her belly. Nurse: ok so you see there's the hand and the head. Corbyn smiled as he looked at the screen. Nurse: and the baby is........
Haha Cliffhanger oh and thanks for 3k reads and I'm sorry that this is a short chapter it's just that I wanted to have a cliffhanger for this part

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