Chapter 35

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You woke up very very early cause Christina had her appointment at the doctor very early in the morning so you got up. Zach: y/n where are you going. Y/n: umm me and Christina are going for a run we will be back in a few hours. Zach: ok well I love you. Y/n: I love you too now go back to sleep. You gave zach a kiss as he drifted on back to sleep. You then got ready and went and got Christina. Once you got Christina awake and she got ready and met you out in the living room. Y/n: you ready to go. Christina: yeah I'm just really scared. Y/n: it's ok I will be there with you the whole time I promise. You and Christina got in the car and drove to the doctors. When you got there Christina went and checked in and then when they called her you both went and sat in the room. A nurse walked in and handed Christina a cup. Nurse: ok so Miss Christina I'm going to need you to go to the bathroom down the hall and pee in this cup so we can see if you are truly pregnant. Christina: ok. Christina then got up and walked down the hall. She came back about 15 minuets later. Christina: the nurse said it would be about 5 minuets before they get the results. The nurse walked in after a few minutes and sat down at the desk that was in the room. Nurse: ok so Christina you are indeed pregnant but we are not sure how far you are in the pregnancy so we are getting to do a test to look at the baby and see how far the baby is developed and that should give us an idea of how far along you are. Christina: ok. Christina then laid down on the bed thing and pulled up her shirt so her belly was showing. The nurse put this gel on her belly and then started rubbing this stick thing around her belly. There was a screen right beside her and you could see the baby or the outline of what looked like a very very small baby. Nurse: ok so look at the baby and how small it is it looks like your about 2 and a half months pregnant. Christina looked shocked and then she stared crying. Christina: so when will we be able to know if it a boy or a girl. Nurse: probably around next week so we will schedule an appointment for next week so you can come in and see if you have a boy or girl. Christina: ok thank you so much. You and Christina then walked out of the doctors office and got back in the car and drove home. Y/n: Christina you have to tell corbyn. Christina: I know I just don't know how. Y/n: when we get home you need to tell him if you want me to I will sit there with you to tell him. Christina: yeah that would help a lot. Y/n: ok. When you got home you and Christina walked in to the house and found corbyn in there room on his phone. Corbyn: well look who's home. Corbyn then kissed Christina as she sat on the bed you just got corbyn's chair from his desk and sat in the chair beside the bed. Christina: corbyn I have something really important to tell you. Corbyn: Christina you know you can tell me anything and why is y/n in here. Christina: cause she knows about everything and help claim me down thought all of it so she can be in here cause I asked her too. Corbyn: ok what's up. Christina: corbyn I'm pregnant. Corbyn: wwww what. Christina: I'm pregnant. Corbyn: how. Christina: I don't know I guess one time the protection did not work so now I'm pregnant as you know how me and y/n left really early this morning well we went to the doctor and got and official test done and I am really pregnant and I'm 2 and a half months pregnant and we will be able to know if it is a boy or girl by next week if we go back. Corbyn look so shocked. Corbyn: ok well Christina I just want you to know hat I'm behind you on all of this and I will be here for you and I will try to be the best dad to our future child.

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