Chapter 17

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You wake up to your alarm going off. Y/n: Zach come on we have to get up. Z: it's like 5 in the morning. Y/n: no it's 8 now get your ass up. Z: ok ok I'm up gosh. Y/n: thanks now I'm going down stairs to get the other boys up but when I come back you better be dressed love you. Then you kissed Zach on the lips and went down stairs with him half asleep. Y/m: Daniel are you up. D: yeah why. Y/n: just making sure are all of the other boys up and Brynn. D: yeah I got them up. Y/n: ok thanks. You walked back in to your room and saw that Zach was still laying there. Y/n: come one baby you when to wake up. Z: but it's early. Y/n: hey remember how I said hat you owe me. Zach smiled and then nodded. Y/n: yeah you can pay me back tonight cause all of the boys are going to dinner later and we can just stay home. Z: yeah that sounds like a plain. You walked in to your closet and put on this outfit.

Z: you look good in anything you wear

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Z: you look good in anything you wear. Y/n: so do you. You walk down stairs to see everyone is ready and waiting on you and zach. Y/n: sorry that we took long. Jo: your good and perfect timing because the Uber just got here. Z: ok good. You all got in to the Uber and road to Logan's house. (I know that Logan did not have a house at this time but just pretend that he had the one that he had now). You guys walk in the door and you hear Logan yell. L: is that mmmyyyy bbboooyyyssss. All of the boys screamed LOGAN. Logan walked in to the living room and gave all of the boys a hug then got to me and brynn. L: who are these people. D: oh that's my sister y/n and Brynn her friend. L: oh well hi I'm Logan. Y/n: we know who you are. B: oh my god I love your vlogs I watch them everyday. L: it's everyday bro. Z: y/n is also my girlfriend. The Zach went over and put his arm around you. L: umm Daniel is hat wired that one or your best friends is dating your sister. D: a little but as long as he does not hurt her I'm good with it. Jo: and I'm dating her friend Brynn. L: wow love is in the air. We all just laughed. Lo: ok so now I guess we should go to make he video. We drove down to LA and they stated filming. You and Brynn did not really want to walk with them all day so you and Brynn went shopping.
Later that day they finished the video and they showed you and brynn. It was amazing.

We went back to the why don't we house and Logan went with us. We all just hanged out at the house and had pizza for dinner. We talked a lot and then Logan went home. We all had to pack because we were leaving to go home for Christmas tomorrow. You and Zach went upstairs to pack and you did. After you fished packing you and Zach got in to bed and went to sleep.
Zach's point of view
I swear I am in love with this girl. She means everything to me and I could see my self spending the rest of my life with her.

Daniel's little sister/ Zach Herron fanficWhere stories live. Discover now