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Nigga why you tripping get yo mood right.


Two girlies screams made me wake up early. I was so confused til I heard my brother and Angel going back and forth.

"Fuck you in my house for!"

"I already said I ain't gotta rxplain shit to you!"

"Im bout to call the cops!"

"Yeah for them colorful ass sticks on yo head please do!"

"Bitch what you say!"

"You heard me nigga fuck out my face!"

My head throb watching these two idiots I literally had to pick Angel up and walk her into the bathroom and slam the door in Ayleo face.

"Calm down." I tell her and she sighs and fold her arms.

She so fucking cute breh.

"Ignore my idiot ass brother take a shower and I'll make breakfast kay?" I say softly and she nods.

That was literally the loudest i heard her earlier and not gone lie she got a mouth on her.

She limps to the tub and stares at the knobs so I teach her how to work em then walk out to see Ayleo still waiting on the other side looking redamntarded.

"And you" i say and grab him by his dreads pulling him down the stairs ignoring his ows and whines.

"Let my hair go!"

"Keep yellin and ima kick yo ass its too fucking early." I snapped letting him go when we were in the kitchen.

"Ima knock you and that bitch teeth out if yall keep fucking with me." He mumbles and i flick his nose and go back to pulling stuff out for breakfast.

Ole dumbass muhfucka.

"I told you about her last night thats the girl that messed her ankle up." I say dismissing whatever shit he was talking.

"Bruh you aint tell me she was a bitch."

"What did mom tell you bout callin females that stupid."

"Im getting tired of yo smart ass trying to downplay me."

I make the talk to much gesture with my hand and pull eggs out the fridge.

"Well act yo age nigga any fucking way you need to apologize knowing you you scared her."

"I just walked in the bathroom and saw a half naked broad sitting in the bathroom I was concerned looking like a damn sex slave."

I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Ayleo shut the fuck up, and stop degrading her cause I saw her knock a nigga on his ass that was 5x bigger then her." I say and his eyes widen and i nod.

"Yeah she not the one so be nice for your next." He looked shaken up and nodded as i cooked breakfast.

Swear ever since he went to live with our dad he came back stupid and disrespectful.

I loved my older brother but he irked my soul so damn bad.

Maybe cause of my anger issues I don't know but he just made me mad.

When i finished breakfast i heard the shower cut off so i quickly go upstairs and put a pair of clothes for her to change in in the bathroom.

Setting it on the sink next to the towel i had laid out last night and quietly slipped out and head back into the kitchen.

"You need to stop bringing in random bit- females she could be a fucking serial killer." Ayleo mumbled as he bit into a pancake.

"Nigga her ankle is hurt she is Bambi right now couldn't hurt a fly." I say biting my bacon.

"Whatever as you describe she got hulk strength and she dirty as fuck dirty bitches can fight and I'm not going to jail for choking the lil bitch out."

I throw my toast at his forehead.

"Bruh what did i say watch it." I growled he rolled his eyes and kept talking shit and i was bout to argue back when i heard someone from behind me clear their throat.

We both turned and my mouth dropped. Angel was wearing my shorts and a big tshirt and the towel around her neck. Water droplets dripped from her long wavy hair.

Her eyes looked lighter then they did last night.

I damn near drooled. She calmly limps next to me and I help her in a chair.

"You hungry?" I ask and she nods so i fix her a plate and sit it in front of her and she thanks me.

Ayleo was glaring at her and she ignored him.

"Where you from."

I open my mouth but angel answers faster.

"My mother pussy"

"You fight?"

"Wanna find out."

"Why you stealing from the stores?"

"Same reason you werent swallowed as a sperm cell. Mistakes happen."

"I really don't like you."

"Must suck cause I dont care."

I stifled a chuckle as i watch them interact she was so calm while he was getting so angry. She ate her food and answered everything Ayleo asked, but one question struck a nerve and she slammed her hand on the table.


I was speechless and Ayleo looked pale as hell. I was too busy thinking to even hear what he asked but shit looks like it got the reaction he needed.

She huffed and picked her fork up again eating and Ayleo stood like a statue.

She pushed her plate towards me with an innocent look.

"Um may I have more Mateo." She ask and I smile and nod.

"Eat as much as you like cutie."

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