Off to San Francisco

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The Camp Counselors were all gathered in a meeting. Jason, the new Zeus Counselor, just said that Percy was in the other camp that he went to.  Leo, the new Hephaestus Counselor, and Piper, the Aphrodite Counselor, were there for their first meetings. 

"...Percy Jackson is at the other camp..." Jason said. Harriet widened her eyes.

"Really, big brother?" she asked. She really trusted her brother, but she just wanted to confirm.

"He is... I feel it." Jason answered. Once Jason said that, Crissa shot up.

"I'm going." she said. Chiron looked at her solemnly.

"I think it's best you stay here..." he said. Crissa's breath hitched.

"Why not?" she asked.

"This is the Seven's quest, my dear... you might upset the balance even more. Only three are supposed to be going on a quest. And five are going already..." he said. 

"I don't care! I'm going, okay? This is my brother we're talking about! I'm going to that other camp and when I see my brother, I am going to make him pay for worrying mom, Paul, the camp, Annabeth, and me... no questions asked." she said as she glared so hard, she even scared Clarice and the Nemesis Head Counselor. Suddenly, he pipes of the big house exploded and Harriet tried to calm Crissa down. The last time Crissa reacted like that was when Luke Castellan (a guy Crissa used to be in love with before he went evil, tried to kill her and and Percy, and was Crissa's first kiss) confessed his love for her and gave Crissa her first kiss ever and he died in her arms to save the world from Kronos. That time, the waters raged, storms roared, earthquakes raged, and horses all around the world sensed something bad and freaked out. 

"Crissa, stop! We don't want to repeat what happened with Luke!" Harriet said. Crissa calmed down. She glared at everyone in the room.

"I meant it when I said that I was going, too... I need to go beat up that stupid idiot when I see him." she said as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Like I said days ago... My brother may be stupid, but I know he could keep himself safe... I knew he was alive somewhere... I also want to find the camp... I just want to see my idiotic brother as soon as possible." she said. Chiron sighed.

"You really miss him, don't you?" he asked. Crissa said nothing, but her answer was obvious. Leo nervously shot his hand up.

"Yes, Leo?" Chiron asked.

"Umm...I still don't think Crissa should come." he said. Crissa glared at him and grabbed him by the collar. 

"Did you not hear me right?! I said I was going! No questions asked!" she growled through clenched teeth. Leo paled.

"But Crissa, it's unsafe. We can't just let you go with us... and if those guys at the other camp threaten to kill you, this brother of yours will target me!" he said. Crissa's glare hardened.

"I'm... going... to see... my... brother!" she hissed as she breathed heavily through her nose.

"Crissa, it's most likely not safe..." Piper said. Crissa faced her.

"I'm not letting it go. I am going to see Percy Jackson and that is final." she said. She faced Leo.

"Whether you like it or not." Leo nodded. Crissa was scarier than Lilly when she was emotionally unstable, and Lilly was the best fighter in the history of Camp, according to Chiron.

"I'm making nine cabins..." he said. Harriet cleared her throat. Leo needed more then nine cabins.

"Twelve... Allie, Lilly, and I are coming, too." she said. Jason's eyes widened.

"Harriet, I just got you back. I'm not going to put you in danger... when we lost mom... I swore to myself that I would protect you and Thalia... Thalia is safe with the Hunters of Artemis, but I won't even think for a second of making you run toward danger." he said. Harriet sighed. She knew how much Jason loved her, but she wanted to see a certain someone.

"I know... but Jason, I need to see Percy." she said. Jason knew why she needed to see him. He figured out that she was in love with him, but he didn't ask. He knew from the way her eyes sparkled whenever she talked about him, the way she was as worried as Annabeth, and the fact that she was willing to go to a potentially dangerous place just to see him.

"I'm going, Jason. I miss him, too." she said. Jason sighed.

"I promise I'll take him back when we finish and fulfill the prophecy." he said. Harriet scowled at her big brother.

"I am going to see my best friend, Jason. I... I miss him... Annie, Crissa and I really miss him." she said. Allie faced Leo.

"I want to meet him, anyway..." she said. Leo rolled his eyes. He made Allie spill the beans on her enormous crush on Jason, but he knew if he told Piper, Allie would kill him and it would be awkward between the two girls. Leo turned to Lilly, who was filling on some guy Leo only had the name Nico di Angelo and was another kid of Hades.

"How about you, Lils?" he asked. Lilly scowled at him and rolled her eyes.

"Do not call me Lilly! I told you to call me Billy!" she said as she crossed her arms. She never liked her feminine name and always went with Billy, but everyone thought Lilly just felt better suited for her, so they stuck with Lilly. Lilly sighed.

"I'll come... Like Harriet said, Allie and I need to came to keep you in check. Besides, it's better than just staying here and killing poor dummies to bits and pieces." she said as she smiled.

"You don't-" Jason was about to protest, but Harriet cut him off.

"Crissa's coming because she needs to see Percy... she's been worried sick for days... I'm worried for him, too, so I need to go... Allie and Lilly need to come because they keep Leo in check, and we don't want him to cause trouble with the other camp..." she explained. Leo sighed.

"Okay... I'll make the cabins..." Leo said.

"Thank you, Leo." Allie said as she kissed her brother's cheek.

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