Chapter 20

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It has been 2 days since I left Jonah for Ben and Alex, and of course I'm already missing him. I haven't been aloud to leave the cabin or use the phone. Ben takes Alex to the park sometimes and leaves me tied up. Alex is way to young to understand what is happening so I can't make her tell someone. Ben hit me last night in front of her, which cut my cheek open I had to tell her it was an accident and he didn't mean to. I don't care if he hits me as long as he doesn't touch Alex.

"Ben, can I please see my dads," I asked Ben as I cooked him his breakfast.

"I can't trust you yet, you could tell them where we are. Or you could be seeing pretty boy behind my back," he said.

"I know you don't. But I just really need someone," I say, starting to cry.

"Oh baby don't cry, maybe later," he said.

"But for now you need to start planning this wedding," he said.

Yes of course he is making me marry him for my money, I really don't get why he wants a wedding when both Alex and I are missing people, and Ben is a wanted man.

Jonah's Point of View:
2 days before: 
I wake up to someone shaking me, I open my eyes to see Esther and the police officers standing near me.

"Payton is gone, I can't find her," she said.

I sat up quickly.

"How the fucking cops were at the front keeping an eye on us," I yell.

I went to put my hands in my hoodie pockets but I felt some folded up paper. I unfolded it to find it was from Payton.

I love you so much but Alex is my blood.
Please don't try to find me or contact me

I have to find her. The cops were "doing their best". Doing their best my ass they are just sitting in the living room.

(Note: sorry it's short I don't want to leave you guys hanging. This story will be ending soon)
Also Brittney smith and Roman Atwood are engaged and I cried so much watching their new video

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