Chapter 14

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Payton's Point of View 
I knew he was sorry he would never hurt a girl but he broke up with me, in his words, "I think he we should just be friends." In only one week I met and fall in love, lost my so called virginity, put in hospital and then the love of my life broke up with me.

I wondered if Esther knew. But she's been through enough.

One month later:
It was Christmas Eve. Esther and I had finally moved into the new house and I finally got my little back. We were having my family and Esther's family for a dinner party, plus the WDW boys. Meaning Jonah will be there.

"Alex, we need to get you dressed," I called for her.

"No," I heard her yell back.

"Alex, come on everyone will be here soon," I said.

"No," she said.

I finally found her in my bedroom under the bed. I got her dressed and did her hair.

I was kinda scared seeing Jonah for the first time since what happen with Ben. Everyone was here, besides the Why Don't We boys. Dad was playing with Alex while father was trying to steal food from Esther, who was cooking. The first door opened showing the boys.

"Hey, I'm Payton nice to meet you," I said. Hugging and kissing cheeks.

Once I went down the line from Zach, jack, Daniel, Corbyn. Jonah was standing there awkwardly.

"Hey," I said hugging and kissing his cheek. The others walked off leaving us alone.

"Payton look," Jonah started but was cut off by Alex.

"Mummy," Alex screamed out running to me, holding my leg through my dress.

"Alex this Uncle Jonah," I say while picking her up.

"Hello," she said. For a 2 year she is very VERY smart.

"Hi nice to meet you," Jonah said.

Alex moved her body so she was moving into a position where she wanted Jonah to hold her. Jonah could see i was finding it hard hold her so and grabbed her off me.

"Your very pretty just like your mummy," he said.

I just wanted to scream. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME.

"Mummy shows me you singing," she said. 

In my mind I face palmed myself.

"Oh really am I good," he asked Alex but looked straight at me. Alex nods back the answer.

"Look Alex why don't you go playing with uncle Corbyn and Zach and Jack and Daniel. While I talk to uncle Jonah," I said the Alex.

"But I want to play with Uncle Jonah," she cried.

"Hey you don't have to cry maybe we can talk to your mummy and ask if I can babysit you sometimes so mummy gets a break," Jonah.

"Pleeeeeeeaaaaase mummy," Alex draw out.

"Maybe. Now go," I say. Jonah put her down and fixed her little dress then she ran off.

"Esther was telling me how you were doing," Jonah said.

"I'm fine," I told him.

"I'm fine always turns into save me," he said.

"Can we please talk maybe outside your something," he asked.

"Dinner will be ready soon," I said.

"Payton please," he spoke angrily to me.

"Okay maybe in one of the rooms, if we go out side Alex will probably follow and it's to cold," I said.

We walked into my room, sitting both onto my bed. But I made sure there was space between us.

"You have 5 mins go," I said.

"Payton, I really miss you. I thought the best thing to do was to break up with you but it wasn't. That was the worst thing to do. I don't care if there was 1000 of miles between us but I would still love you," he said.

"It wasn't about the breakup," I said.

"I'm so I pushed you. You know I would never hurt you in a million years," he said.

(To be continued)

P.s don't forget about my imagine book for WDW. First requested imagine will be up soon. I had it written down but my cat likes to play with paper, you know where this is going.

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