Chapter 1 - Speed Demon

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It was the 1st July 1987 and Evelyn Fenner was rushing around the kitchen as if possessed. She could easily give Starbucks a run for their money at the rate she was making her coffee that morning. Not only was she late for work, but today would be one of the most prolific and career-boosting projects she'd ever embarked on in her career and she needed to be fully alert and on top form.

At 27 years old, Evelyn (or Eva as she preferred to be called), was a beautiful 5ft 6 slim woman with long dark hair, piercing green eyes and naturally tanned skin that she had inherited from her mother, who was of Cuban descent. Her father was half Italian as well and as a close-knit family, they lived in England until Eva turned six. Her father got a new job, which meant relocating the family across the pond to New York. When Evelyn was aged 9, her mother gave birth again to her sister Alyssa.

Eva grew up in New York and absolutely loved it. As she got older and moved into her late teens, she began modelling, dancing, volunteering for numerous charities, studying for a degree in film and directing and even had a dabble in acting roles. Now she had a full time job as assistant director for music videos.

Today, a meeting was being held for an upcoming music video, which Eva still couldn't get her head around. It was for Michael Jackson's 'Bad' single, which was due to be released on September 7th. The video itself was due to premiere on the 31st August, so they had 6 weeks at the most to get the project completed.

This was a massive deal for Eva, as Michael was her idol and biggest inspiration, not to mention the most famous and sought after man on the planet right now. For that reason, she was just one big bundle of nerves that morning and could barely sleep the night before. The fact that she would be meeting the man himself in a couple of hours was enough to make her feel light headed and queasy.

Glancing at the toaster, Eva knew she wouldn't have time to eat, nor did she want to and so opted to throw on her blazer and slip her black heels on instead. Normally she wouldn't dress so smart for work unless it was an important meeting like today. She was usually comfortable in a pair of tight jeans and a loose sweater, but today, she also wanted to make a good impression on Michael, so the skirt, blouse and blazer had to come out.

Gulping the last dregs of her coffee, she almost threw the mug in the sink, grabbed her car keys from the sideboard and hurried through the front door. Making sure her house was secure, she ran down the garden path, jumped into her car and sped off at a speed that would make a Formula 1 driver proud.

As she drove the 15 miles towards the Grand Hyatt hotel in Midtown Manhattan, she switched on the radio and immediately Michael's voice came blasting out of the speakers. It was 'Human Nature', one of her favourite songs! How typical that a song of his should come on right at that moment. Usually she'd turn it up and sing along, but right now, all it as doing was making her feel more nervous and queasy, so she quickly turned it off.

Arriving at 109 East, 42nd Street, she quickly found a spare parking space and manoeuvred her car in gently. Applying the handbrake, she whipped off her seatbelt and took a deep breath. Glancing into the rear view mirror, she checked her make-up was in check and that her hair was in place. The last thing she wanted was to go in looking like a panda or as if she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards!

Satisfied that she looked okay, Eva grabbed her satchel and got out the car, suddenly noticing that her legs felt surprisingly weak as she stood to her feet.

"Get a grip Eva!" she muttered under her breath. "You haven't even got in there yet!"

Smoothing her skirt down, she slammed the car door shut, locked it and shifted her gaze towards the entrance of the hotel.

'This is it' she thought, bracing herself for the long and exciting day ahead.

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