The rest I don't remember. But I was lucky to have Frisk near me. That's how I know there's more for her. That's she's still the person she's always been.

I got close to her to press my hand on her shoulder. "You didn't hurt anyone. She's just...scared. She misses you to much to see you hurt."

She gave me her pity smile and continued to look down at the picture. I looked over her shoulder to see what exactly she was looking at. She kept eyeing herself. Probably wondering if that's really her.

I spaced out long enough that Papyrus made  a quiet cough. I got off her shoulder to stand up. "Sorry bro. Just looking at memorys."

Pap raised a brow at me. I tried to keep ot cool but know me I always had a way to show I was lying. "BROTHER. MAY I SPEAK WITH YOU?"

I looked back at Frisk. She seemed pretty occupied by the picture. Maybe it was bringing her memory's? I looked back over to Pap and showed him the kitchen. Well used to be kitchen. It still had cabinets, counter tops and a sink. It was small but we barely go in here so we never payed attention to it.

"So what's up bro." I asked sitting on a counter. "BROTHER. KNOW THAT I AM JUST LOOKING OUT FOR YOU, AND THAT I DO REALLY CARE AND WANT TO HELP FRISK..." I started to get a little worried of what he might say. "Yes?"

"ARE YOU...ARE YOU FALLING FOR HER?" He placed his hands on his hips. He gave me a look that was reading how I felt. "What do you mean bro?" I asked acting dumb. "BROTHER DO NOT TOY WITH ME. I KNOW YOU KEEP THINGS FROM ME. AND THATS YOUR DECSION. BUT FOR THE SAKE OF UOU BEING SAFE JUST ANSWER THIS ONE. ARE YOU FALLING FOR FRISK? DO YOU...LIKE HER? IN OTHER WORDS."

I let out a sigh of defeat. I never knew he knew I kept things from him. I keep things like Gaster and when I worked at the lab. Or  about the resets and the thoughts and nightmares I have at night. Those were things for his own protection and my own conscience. It was never my intention for Pap to feel left out and dumb, but I couldn't tell him these things. But I can let him know this. It's not like I'm very good at hiding it.

"Yes. I-" Before I could speak more he stood up. He looked both happy, but a little worried. "BROTHER I KNOW. I KNEW EVEN BEFORE THIS HAPPENED YOU HAD A THING FOR HER. AM I WRONG?"

I don't why he kept pestering if he knew. Typical Papyrus. "No...I was going to ask her, but I never found the right time. I knew she liked me back. It was pretty obvious, but that only made me happier. Now she's this thing...and I don't think she remembers those....feelings." I looked from the archway in the kitchen to see Frisk sitting in front of a window holding the picture close to her chest and her eyes closed. I knew that was her way of trying to remember something.

Pap could probably see the hurt in my eyes. It did. I never really thought of relationships cause I knew they weren't gonna last long. But then Frisk came by and we made it promise. A promise. What's the point of keeping one if you don't remember having one. She doesn't remember what I did. She doesn't remember what she did. I almost lost hope, but I knoe there's still a part of her. Of she remembers a part of me, maybe she remember the other.

Papyrus snapped me back into the underground and rested a hand on my shoulder as he knelt down to my level.


"Still Frisk. She may look different and can't speak, sleep, eat anything other than souls but she still her." I snapped. "Don't forget she was like a sister to you!"


I looked away. "What's gonna happen? She won't do anything..." "YOU MIGHT BE RIGHT. MAYBE SHE WON'T. BUT JUST IN CASE, YOU CAN RISK HAVING HER THAT WAY."

I thought of it, and he was right. She can't love. She doesn't have a soul. I sighed trying to relieve myself knowing that I would have to wait. Its not a never...just a wait. I hope.

"Your right always." Paps stood up and went into his superhero pose as I would like to call it. "NYEH HEH HEH! OF COURSE I AM! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" I chuckled with his optimism. My brother is so cool.

Frisk pov

As Pap and Sans were talking in the kitchen, I looked at the picture that Sans handed me. Some figures are who I already knew and met. Alphys, Undyne, Sans, Papyrus and me. Another I saw in the vision with Shyren. It was the hot pink robot that only spoke elegant and loved himself, but also his friends. I don't know his name though. The others I don't know. They looked liked big fluffy white creatures. One had long horns and a beard with a kind smile. He wore a crown and has a big purple robe on covering something shiny in the inside. The other was a little smaller but with small horns and didn't wear a crown. She had a gentle smile and had her hands in her front with her pretty lilac purple flowing dress. I haven't seen them, I just hope their nice and aren't like Undyne.

Everyone seemed so happy to have me there. Undyne had this big yellow toothed grin that screamed joy and excitement. Not the type of grin that screamed kill and determination. I hope I can see that side of her one day.

I looked up from the picture and was transported into another area. It was in waterfall still, but away from the village. I was in some kind of room with a huge hole in the middle. There was two paths to exit the room but I couldn't move. 

I'm in another vision.

I had a feeling again. But not a very good one. It was...dark. I felt like a wave of black water just wiped away my good side, and everything was my enemy. Like I was corrupted. I looked down at my hands. They were covered in dust. the same thing monsters turn into when they get killed. I remember that.

I had a tutu and pink ballet shoes on. I was on my way to find another target. I ran into a crouched, shaking Shyren in a corner. She looked as she did nothing wrong. "P-please..." She said quietly. "Don't kill me...." But I still raised mt feet, and stomped on her in'till she was nothing but a pile of dust.

I looked to my side, and saw a figure standing in the shadows.  It was Sans. His grin were dark as his eyes. His eye shined bright blue, with flames pouring out of his socket. I could see he was clenching his fist through his jacket pockets. But all I did was smile, and kept walking.

When I woke from my  vision , Sans and Papyrus were walking from the kitchen. Sans looked at me with a small frown. I wiped my face to see if anything was wrong. A single black tear ran down my face. Most likely from the vision.

Was that a memory? When would I ever kill anything? What was my purpose? And Shyren seemed kinda alive from when I took her soul.

I lost my thought when Sans started talking to me. "Kid you alright?" He asked. I only nodded in response. Maybe when we have time alone, i'll try and tell him about the visions.


I walked up to Papyrus and wrapped my arms around him for an embrace. Papyrus smiled and knelt down to my level so he could get a better reach. 'I'LL SEE YOU SOON FRISK. I WILL MAKE SURE UNDYNE WON'T LAY A HAND ON YOU." He stood up and gave me a genuine smile, before walking out the door.

I looked back at Sans who seemed a little out of it. "S-S..ans?" I tried saying. He snapped out from where ever he was. "Yeah kid?"

"Okay...?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just deep in thought. But the real question is, are you okay? I looked at you from the kitchen and you seemed pretty out of it. Then when I came out, you had a tear running." 

He seemed pretty bugged by this. I took a breath to calm myself down, and did my best to speak. "I...need to....t-tell something..." Sans shook his head. He held out his hand for me to grab. "Let's go to a calmer place. I have a feeling that's somewhere we both need to be."

I reached for his hand, and we were no longer int the house. We were in the area we were when he told me about Gaster. The water was so calming, and the grass wasn't to damp, but wasn't to dry. Soft and glowing like everything else.

We sat at the edge, and tried to think of the best way to word this.

Dying for you (Frisk X Sans)Where stories live. Discover now