XXVII. For the Love of God

Start from the beginning

" I'm gonna sleep in the car ok? I'm not gonna leave you here with that bastard- uh referring to Liam." Scott still held onto me, I knew he had to be uncomfortable. And even though I wanted to argue with him to just go home and get sleep, it wouldn't matter, he'd win the arguement.

" Maybe I'll come join you later on. I love you!" I winked at him, walked off. Looked back to see him getting comfortable in the driver's seat.

Jackson was already fast asleep when I walked into the examination room, after placing another blanket on him, i settled in a chair next to him and soon fell asleep.

" Why isn't she awake? What's going on with her??" I heard Allison's voice, figure she's trying to wake me up.

" I don't know yet, she isn't reacting quick enough." Deaton's voice sounded next, by then I knew I should wake but I couldn't my eyes open. I tried to but it felt as if it was glued shut. Next time I know I feel a pinch on my right forearm, and it felt like fire spread throughout me. The pain slowly faded, and my eyes shot open. Only for an instant though, then darkness took over me.


I came about, but no voices were heard. My eyes opened, and I was in a dark room. Sunlight crept from behind the shades on the window, signaling it was morning. I felt extremely groggy, and had no idea what was wrong with me. The fact that earlier I couldn't open my eyes, the suddenly I felt a searing pain in my arm to just go unconcious again, now I'm hooked onto a oxygen tube.

" Welcome back." I saw Deaton enter, and realized I was in the examination room of the Vet Clinic.

" Hey, what's going on? Was I not waking earlier? I know I not that much of deep sleeper." I sat up a little, only to feel light headed and laid back down.

" Um- no you had a baby." 

The words had hit unexpectedly, I had a baby?! When? How? I wasn't even pregnant!! 

" Did I hear you correctly? A baby? That's impossible, I wasn't pregnant!" I was so shocked, because there was  no way in hell I was pregnant, I would have known! I went to sleep not pregnant at all, and woke up, given birth to a baby? Scott and I always used protection.

" Yes, you heard correctly." Lydia entered the room and my heart began hammering even more, in her arms she carried a baby. MY baby, and I couldn't even believe the fact that this baby was mines!

She placed the baby in my arms, and my racing heart stopped. I created this human being, this precious baby, who is soft asleep, is mines. Wrapped in a pink blanket, I have never seen such a beautiful person in my life. My feelings couldn't be described.

"Have a name for her yet?" Scott's voices sounded and I looked up to see him leaning against the doorframe. Deaton and Lydia exchanged looks and left the room. Leaving Scott and I with my babyy.. our baby.

" I- I didn't know I was pregnant, now I have to give this baby a name that she has to stick with her whole entire life?" I couldn't keep my eyes off her, my precious babygirl. I thought hard about it, okay so i had baby. Even of it's physically impossible right now, I need to give her a name.

"What about Kara? Kara Avery McCall, I like it. How's that sound baby? Do you like it?" She slightly cooed, and I instantly teared, I love her so much already.

"McCall?" Scott sounded confused, I looked up at with a "duh" face. What else last name would I give our baby?

" Yeah, She is your baby Scott. What else should it be?"  I shook my head and let my attention fall to her, Kara.

" Whittemore, She's Jacksons."

With a gasp I jumped up, my breathing was rapid and beads of sweat were running down my neck. I was at my feet when I realized Jackson was standing in front of me. We were indeed in the examination rrom of the vet clinic, only difference I wasn't hooked up to an oxygen tube nor did i have newborn baby in my arms.

"Hey,you alright? I was trying to wake up, but you wouldn't bulge. Then you were mumbling something about a baby?" Jackson handed me a bottle of water, as I regained my breathing pattern, I sat back down and relaxed. That was probably the strangest dream I ever had, and lately they all included Jackson in it. For the past weeks they have, all being about Jackson and I being together in some kind of way..

" Yeah, um- I'm fine. Just a strange nightmare, no biggie. But you look like you're almost healed up." The movement he was making seemed like he wasn't in too much pain, he unraveled his bandage and indeed the wounds were almost completely healed.

"Almost there, yeah. Howcome your here?" He asked me, taking a seat next to me.

" To protect you, your alpha battle wounds aren't gonna be much help sir," We both giggled at my comment, and I was happy to seem him in not so much pain.

" Well, you being a human won't be much help either ma'am" I laughed even harder, and hit him in the shoulder. This is how I like Jackson and I, being friends. The kind that can laugh and hang out without it being under the circumstance that Liam has a plan or us having to sneak around.

"Well you don't have to worry. This human has mountain ash by the entrance of the room, see. No one, particular an psychotic alpha or his pack will be getting in to kick helpless werewolf ass." He laughed whole-heartedly and it warmed me inside

" Thanks human," He stared me with warm eyes, and he kept on staring. I tried to keep my eyes fixated on the ground or something esle but Jackson, it was no use though. I looked up at him and our eyes locked, god that feeling is coming back. That warm fuzzy feeling, I get when I'm with Jackson, and sucks because with that happening proves that I have feelings for him. When I poured out  my heart to Scott a few days ago that I don't like him.. who am I fooling? I totally have a crush on Jackson while being completely in love with Scott :(

I stood up and walked towards the sink, I turned on the faucet and splased my face with cold water. Hoping it'd wake me up from this fantasy, but it is, indeed, reality.

I heard Jackson stand, and slowly make his was towards me.

"I gonna regret this."

I walked back, and slammed my lips on to Jackson's.

Hiya! So I said I was gonna update this 2 days agon, sorry for that! But here it is, and what do you guys think? Let me know! Getting feedback literally makes me so happy and makes my day when I check my email to see " New comment on You Found Me.." I do a little happy dance all the time. And when I see those, it motivates me. So here I ask, or beg:

I hate to sound demanding but could you pretty please comment after reading and let me know what you think? Good/ bad, what you like, what I should add? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! You guys seriously have no idea how happy I am seeing all these votes and comments, so please keep them coming. And since I never stick to my word about updating, if this chapter can get up to 5+ votes and 10+ comments ( different ppl course hehe :p ), I will update!! That I promise!!

Also, THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH FOR THE 45k+ READS!!!! And 900+ VOTES! :D Again, it's a blessing to have commited readers like you all :)

So this chapter had a few things going on..

1) LIAM'S PACK WAS HIS FAMILY.. poor wifey and unborn baby.

2) Camie's baby dream.. and it was Jackson's baby. Why is she having lust/love dreams about Jackson so much? #SCAMIEALLTHEWAY! *Kara pronounced car-ah, just a head's up!

3) wtf Camie, did you just kiss Jackson after complaining you love Scott?!


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