Chapter 39

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(A/N: Hey pretty readers! You guys are truly awesome! Thank you for giving time and reading 'Elixir', I hope you are liking the story so far! We're soon reaching the end- so here's a little longer chapter to wrap things up better. Don't forget to comment :-) Happy reading!)


The scene revealed Agent M29 panting and holding a gun from whose nozzle, a hot whiff oozed out, pointing at the bleeding foot of a man in a wheelchair lying helplessly on the barren land.

"AGENT!" the squad A leader squealed and ran towards the injured man. He was wide awake, and he grinned madly when the senior agent went near him. Helena walked towards the wheelchair, knelt down and pointed the gun at his head.

"Finally," she hissed, "We found you."

The squad A picked him up, put shackles on his hands and tied him. They started contacting IPO for the takeaway for the villain and calling for the transport back, while the senior agent asked Helena about what exactly happened.

"I had left just two hours after you all left" she explained, "I received the signals you tried to send to the headquarters and I immediately tracked you down. I was advancing towards this building from that higher hillock from where I saw the mines blast off suddenly. We're thankful that no life has been lost. Later I saw this man speeding up to his max in his wheelchair, he was running away. Unmistakeably, he is the anti."

"Are we sure of that yet?" the agent asked with crumbled eyebrows as he eyed the wheelchair

"Yes. About two hours ago, the Headquarters had received another set of data transmissions from this location. Its undoubtedly this person who tried to reach out. Later we found contacts made at the Helsinki private airport for a speed jet. He tried his best to get away from us."

"We did not expect to see you, well done, agent."

"the Head planned me as a backup. I guess, the man was destined to be caught by me."


23rd December

IPO Headquarters,

3:34 am KST

It was evident that all the agents that returned back from the dreary mission were in a dire need of rest, yet their faces were alert because of their victorious achievement. The anti was caught at last.

After landing back in Korea, the anti was thrown in a cubicle similar to the one where the Polish criminals were locked. A dim light dangling from the ceiling, a weathered low wooden table, and two small chairs, which of course the disabled man couldn't use.

The squad A was ordered to patrol outside his cubicle. Meanwhile Helena was being instructed by the Head.

"The mission is not yet done" he said, "what ever you found in that building needs to be studied and destroyed. You may need to go back to Finland if needed. For now, all we can do is verbally procure data from him and most importantly- find the reason why he did what he did."

"Yes, sir."

"Well done, M29. Now, I don't need to tell you the further instructions, right? He is in the cubicle- use your regular methods. Shen will take notes."


Her feet felt weak the moment she entered the cubicle. The man's head was down and his breaths were shallow; no matter how much harmless and unarmed her looked, he scared her. He is the anti, the shadow.

The door locked behind her and Shen watched them through the thick glass. The recording started and the pin camera pointed towards the man. He lifted his head the moment she sat in the chair facing him. His large droopy green eyes pierced through hers, his pale wrinkled skin secreted brutality. All his features were rough, stout and too bland. Bald headed, the only pointy small hair that existed were that of white dots lining his cheeks and divided chin. He was a monster, indeed.

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