Ch. 45

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It's been almost 2 months since I last heard of Krystal and I wasn't sure where she was I tried every rehab I tried going down to the police station but no luck. I was currently walking getting ready for Raw to start

"hey" Renee came up to me "any luck this weekend" I shook my head no "she'll pop up" she rubbed my arm

"what if she's dead" I rubbed my face "I can't understand why she would like disappear like this"

"she ain't dead" she paused "have you tried her family"

I thought about it but I knew they were the last people to know everything but yet we are in Cincinnati tonight "no but I may try them"

After the show I went over to her parent's house her dad opened the door "Johnathon what" he crossed his arms

I rolled my eyes "have you heard or seen Krystal"

He laughed and shut the door I knocked again but no answer I kept knocking until he answered but this time it was her mother "we don't know where that skank is" she yelled

"nice to know what you think of her" I laughed "thanks" I walked off

"I tried raising her to be good but you" she paused "you ruined her now look at her no one knows where she's at"

I stopped and kept starring at her with a blank face "I ruined her" I pointed to myself "your the one who paid me off to leave if you would've opened your eyes you would've seen I was the best thing for her"

"best thing yeah more like worse" she yelled back "get off my yard before I have to call the cops" she slammed the door

I kicked over a plant and walked off I was done with this.

Krystal POV

I walked into the headquarters of WWE I had a meeting with Hunter and Vince about my return and how I've been good in rehab. As I walked in I was greeted and taken to there office where they were already waiting for my arrival.

"there she is" Vince came around and gave me a small hug "how have you been holding up"

I smiled "pretty good 2 and half months sober and drug free I feel so much better"

"that's good there's a lot of people worried and misses you" Hunter sat down

"awh I miss everyone" I sat across from them

"so let's get to the case Krystal we really want you back so we had a very long discussion about it sign back on but agree to more drug test if you fail just one your done" Vince looked at me very stern look on his face

"agreed" I raised my hands

"awesome be at the arena tomorrow we got a show" Hunter stood up placing his hand out for me to shake so I shook.

I walked out emotions were jumping I was finally back into the wwe I am clean and happy but I had to go see a certain someone. I took a taxi to the hotel everyone was staying at I currently got a new phone but same number but nothing was saved to my cloud so I had no numbers.

"Krystal" I heard my name yelled I turned to see Paige and Roman coming my way

I gave them both a hug "hey"

"looking good how you feeling" Roman asked

"I feel amazing so much better" I laughed "hey what room is Jon in"

"298" Roman smiled walking away

"have fun" Paige laughed walking away

I made my way up to the second floor 295, 296, 297, and here it is 298 I stood there taking a big breath then knocked on it. The door opened Jon stood there in short shirtless rubbing his eyes

I let out a small laugh "didn't think it was this late"

He looked puzzled "Krystal" I nodded "where the fuck where you"

"Rehab" I played with my fingertips he moved aside and invited me in "I wanted to call trust me but they told me to get sober and clean best way was no contact with anyone"

He stood there inches away from me nodding then came in for a hug "I was worried something happened" his hand glazed through my hair we both jumped when there was a knock on the door "shit" he mumbled I moved over by the bathroom so whom ever walked I wouldn't see my right away

"Babe I got the movie to watch tonight" the voice was familiar she cane through I could hear Jon trying to get her to go back out but it was to late "Krystal" she stopped at looked at me

"Brittney" my sister I said softly I laughed and looked at Jon and her "so I go to get clean and this is what I get to come back to" I nodded

"Krystal it's not like" Jon started

"Geeze Krystal get over yourself" Britney cut me off

I nodded and walked out

Stay With Me (Dean Ambrose)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя