Ch. 6

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Alex and I decided not to go eat but to buy a case of beer and go down to the abandoned park and talk just like the old days. "I can't believe after 11 years you finally found that douche" Alex laughed as he opened the beers

"I know well I knew he was in the WWE a little after I joined NXT" I shrugged he gave me a look 

"and you still date his best friend" he was shocked "but you can't pass up on love and especially from Colby you got a good dude" 

I laughed "you said that about Jon" I rolled my eyes "and we all know how that turns out I'm just waiting till this relationship fucks up"

"excuse me you and Colby have been together for what 2 years he loves you and I don't see it ending like that Jon was a fucking dickhead who didn't deserve you" I looked at him and smiled "you know your my best friend and I will tell you the truth and that's what I think Colby is a great guy"

I smiled "thanks" I felt my phone vibrate it was Colby 

where you at 

I texted him my location and I'll be back soon 


I sat there at Denny's with Colby and Roman we had gotten a room with 3 separate rooms that's what Hunter wants Colby was on his phone "have to see where the babe is at" Roman laughed at him "I was thinking of convincing her to move in when we are in Iowa" I laughed 

"about fucking time" Roman grabbed his wallet 

"she's at this old park" he shrugged I knew exactly where she was at. We paid and left I didn't go back to the hotel I went where she was at. I pulled up next to Alex's car and walked over to where they were sitting I could hear them talking and laughing Alex looked over and stopped laughing as he seen me 

"idiot is here" Alex rolled his eyes Krissy's phone was buzzing "is it loverboy" she nodded walking away answering it 

"look dude I know you don't like me but" I sat down 

He laughed "more like hate dude" he looked at me "you walked out on a amazing women someone who loved you all because she was holding you back"

I looked down "she wasn't holding me back" I said softly 

"then why tell her that she told me what you said" he turned his attention to me 

"her father and Reid paid me to leave and Reid helped me get in here" I took a beer opening it 

He laughed "so money and wrestling were more important then that girl over there" he pointed over at her 

I sat there starring at her "I regret every moment of it okay I was young and dumb" I took a sip "it's not like I didn't come back and check on her I did every time I was back in town"

"when did it stop" he looked at me I gave him a confused look "when did you stop looking for her"

"9 years ago" I looked up "she was wearing a wedding dress smiling"

He gasp "you were at her wedding" his anger rose "you could've said something and stopped it" 

"why so her family could disown her and all" I chugged the rest of the beer down "I wasn't going to have her pick"

He kept laughing "but throughout all the years you two spent together she chose you over them every time but I guess you were to young and dumb to notice that" he was right she missed family events family dinner and all that just to be with me but I was to blinded to see that she was my ride or die chick and I let her go. "well I bet your kicking yourself in the ass seeing how beautiful she became and also she's fucking your best friend when it could be you" he stood up grabbing his phone "I have to go wife needs me"

"I'll take Krissy home" I motioned him to go he walked over to her and hugged her looking at me then leaving 

After a couple minutes she came and sat down next to me grabbing a beer "what you say to drive him away" she took a sip of beer

"nothing he said wife needs him" I shrugged opening another beer she sat there lighting a cigarette "I thought you quit" she shook her head no handing me her pack I took one and lite it "Renee is gonna kill me knowing I'm still smoking she knows when I do"

She looked over at me "why stop for someone I mean Colby hates it but he's not going to demand me to stop he just requests I don't smoke around him which is cool and understanding" 

 I shrugged and taking another drag "remember the time we were in your room laying down smoking your parents were suppose to be gone all day and caught us" 

She laughed "I was so grounded after that" there was a pause of silence "we should see if Mrs Callen diner is open and visit it"

"we were banned there remember" we both laughed again "but 11 years after I think we aren't banned anymore" 

"well we wouldn't have been banned if you didn't throw food at that guy" she couldn't stop laughing 

"he was an ass" I looked at her she stopped and looked at me we were caught up in the moment we were leaning in our lips brushed 

"we should get going" she stood up stopping from anything else happening which was for the best 

I nodded and got up grabbing the beer then placing it in my car. We got to the hotel and walked into the room everyone was in bed sleeping I looked at my phone 3 am damn "good night" I looked over at her she waved her hand then walking into the room she shares with Colby  I walked into mine Renee was sleeping I sat at the edge of the bed smiling over Krissys and my conversations I took off my shoes and shirt I was about to lay down but I heard a small knock I opened the door to see Krissy standing there "what's up"

"Do you know where Colby is at he's not here" she kept eyeing me "and dann you more muscular" she touched my bicep

I shook my head no "he might be at a gym" she tightened her lips and nodded turning around "he'll be back soon" I smiled shutting the door knowing this wasn't like Colby he's never at the gym this late he's always in his room sleeping. I laid down trying not to wake Renee up but I couldn't sleep.

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