Ch. 17

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Colby and I ran walked into the arena my stomach had mixed feelings due to knowing what's going down tonight the show has already started Batista was in the ring right now having an argument with Hunter this was his way of leaving. 

"okay babe" Colby stopped "I'll see you later" I knew he wasn't happy about it but he was happy about the outcomes that were promised. 

I walked to the catering to see Renee, Nattie, and Summer sitting down watching TV "they beat them twice now with Batista gone they are outnumbered" Nattie said while throwing a grape in her mouth 

I sat down "hey guys" I smiled 

"hey" they all said I went back to watching the TV 

Hunter and Randy came out Hunter caring a sludge hammer this wasn't looking great Colby grabbed a chair 

"in case you haven't figured it out yet what I do better then anybody is adapt last night was plan A and tonight" Hunter starred twirling the hammer "there is always a plan B" 

The boys looked at each other Roman and Jon walked forward while Colby stayed back he took the chair got ready to hit I could see it in his face his was mad he went and attacked Roman first the crowd you could hear the shock Jon stood there looking at Roman then back at Colby then went to go attack but Colby took the chair and hit him in the stomach with it the hit him 6 times before hitting Roman again then hit Jon again another 3 times before throwing the chair over the ring he grabbed another chair and stood above Jon 'you sold out' chants were being yelled he placed the chair down Jon was getting up as he was kneeling Colby ran on the ropes and curb stomped him he stood there looking around he grabbed the chair then made his way outside the ring handing Randy the chair heading into the ring

"what the fuck" Renee yelled she looked at me "did you know this" I looked down in silence "what the hell" she stormed off 

Nattie looked at me "you couldn't say anything don't worry" she assured me I got up and walked to the gorilla 

Colby walked through he came up grabbing my hand and made our way back to a room he went to his bag and pulled a book out he opened it was a year book my year book and pictures of Jon and I 

"why didn't you tell me you knew Jon" he threw it at me "2 years we been together you failed to mention you guys dated" he ran his hands through his hair 

I picked the book up looking at it "because my past with him was terrible I wanted to forget about that I didn't even know he was in here until a PPV I thought I wouldn't see him" 

"still Krystal you should've told me" he shouted 

I nodded "and I know I should've and I am sorry"

"poor Renee will now know" he paced around 

"she already knows" I said softly 

he stopped and turned "I'm the last to know" he laughed "that's just great" 

"she only knows because she heard my and my ex husband arguing in the halls" I ran my hands through my hair

"ex husband" he shouted "what more don't I know" 

I walked over to him but he moved back "let me tell you everything tonight" 

He shook his head no "not tonight I need time to think just go"

I nodded in a agreement "alright" I walked out wiping my eyes I made my way towards my locker room Jon and Roman stood there 

"where's the sell out" Jon yelled at me I rolled my eyes ignoring him "answer me"

I stopped and turned "he left" I lied I got a little closer "and he knows"

"knows what he's a trader" he shot back 

I was getting mad "he knows about our past dumbass" 

"you two have a past with each other" Roman asked 

I nodded "we used to date in high school then my dad paid him to leave me"

"really he didn't need to know that" Jon yelled

"doesn't matter it's the truth the same truth Colby will get when I tell him" I went to walk off but Jon followed

"how did he find out" Jon asked as we walked I stopped and seen Hunter 

I pointed at him "that's the only way I know he would've found out" 

"they used this to get him to trade his back on us" he said softly 

"and that's why he attacked you more then he did Roman" I looked down 

"babe" Renee came up

Jon coughed "Colby knows about our past" 

"oh shit" she looked at me "Krystal I am sorry about earlier I know you couldn't say anything"

"wait you knew" Jon yanked away looking at me "you didn't even tell me?" he pointed to himself

"I couldn't even say anything asshole" I walked towards him "I didn't even know they were going to use our past as a deal so don't be yelling at me for this shit" I stormed off 

Later that night I laid in my hotel room alone Colby wasn't answering my calls but I can't blame him I should've told him right away made it a lot worse telling him Renee knew. I heard a small knock on the door I opened to see Colby standing there with his hands in his pockets I opened the door so he could come in 

"so how long did you two know each other" he asked sitting down on the chair 

I sat on the bed "we grew up with each other we like peanut butter and jelly my parents hated him his mom loved me well when we turned 18 we were planning on leaving but then my dad offered him money and a foot in the door for wrestling if he'd leave me and one morning I woke up went to his house and he was gone no phone call no note his mom didn't even know I didn't know the real reason until a couple weeks ago and Reid was a family friend I married him to make my parents happy although I was dying inside one night I stayed up waited for him to passed out then left" I shrugged 

"so your still technically married to him?" he asked I nodded "well looks like we need to change that" I looked at him with a weird expression "look I am still mad I was the last to know but I love you to damn much to let you go" he got up and walked over to me "and plus Jon did do me a favor he gave you up" I laughed "it's true" 

I looked at him and leaned in to kiss him "I was worried you'd leave me" he chuckled "how did you find out"

"Randy and Hunter they went digging in there past and they seen pictures of you two they even went to his moms house" he looked at me "come on let's go get food" 

I stood up grabbing my bag then left. 

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