Ch. 27

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I woke up and placed a dress on with some white tennis shoes I looked at my phone and texted Jon to met me down in the lobby in 10. I needed to talk to him about last night how it shouldn't happen again it felt amazing but I can't help to think of Renee, I am going through on being cheated on and it's the worst feeling ever I don't want her to feel it to. I went to open the door and was greeted by Colby 

"hey" I said softly I opened the door for him to come in "what do you want" I closed the door 

He stood there with his hands in his pockets "I'm just checking up on you" 

I laughed looking around "I'm the talk at work I get people starring at me whenever I step in a room people stop talking like they were talking about me I think I am doing just fine but please if that's all you want then you can go" 

He came closer "I get what I did was wrong okay but it doesn't mean I don't care about you" 

"if you cared you would've ended it with me first" I leaned forward crossing my arms 

He rolled his eyes and got closer now we were a couple inches away he placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed me I was a fool and kissed him back he picked me up and placed me on the bed moving down to my neck and kissing me his hands went on my thighs pulling my dress up I could feel his erection though his pants I went and undid his belt and pulled his pants down he leaned in and entered in me I pulled him down and kissed him and pushed against every thrust he pushed into me he slowed down and laid down on me then shook a little he pulled out and pulled his pants up 

I looked at him "did you cum in me" he nodded "what the fuck dude" I freaked out I haven't made it to my doctor's for a refill on my birth control

"I couldn't wait to pull out" he shouted "it felt to good" 

I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. 

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me walking out to see if he left which he did but there was someone knocking at the door I looked through the peep hole and seen Jon 

"what happened to the meet me in 10" he raised a eye brow then walked in "Colby get in the way" I looked at him "I came up here earlier and heard you two going at it and seen him walk out Krystal please don't"

"I'm not going back to him Jon" I walked back into the bathroom I went to shut the door but he stopped it "look can we talk about last night" 

I titled my head a bit "yeah it has to stop"

"I agree" he nodded his phone went off he looked at it "alright well see yah" he waved and was about to leave but stopped "but do my a favor stop being Colby's last option when he can't get his dick wet" I nodded then he walked out. 


Tonight was Raw I was currently sitting by myself in the catering room which was becoming more of a habit some of the girls tried talking to me about the situation but I honestly didn't feel like talking about it I mean it's clear what happened he got caught cheating. I looked at the screen Colby and Jon were fighting on the announcers table then Kane came out to choke slam Jon as he was trying to get up Colby curb stomped him then Kane picking him up and placing him over cinder blocks I could already tell what was happening I got up and ran towards the gorilla waiting watching as he stomped him again I closed my eyes placing my hands over my face I peeked a little to see Renee running towards me 

"Kit Kat" I heard Ryan from behind me I looked at him weirdly "I'm here with Molisa she wanted to see Roman" 

I gave him a hug "it's nice to see you" I smiled Colby came through the curtain and walked past not making eye contact I looked over and seen Sarah standing there once he passed me she grabbed his arm and walked off with him I looked down 

"damn man that's fucked up he leave you for that" he shook his head he looked over and seen Molisa coming "look here is my number text me" he handed me a old receipt then walked off I looked back and seen Renee and Jon were already gone so I decided to walk towards the training room he wasn't there 

After the show I was heading towards my car where I seen Ryan standing by it "so Molisa and I got into a fight may I ride with you" 

I laughed "sure" I placed my bag in the back of the car and got in "where am I taking you" 

"wanna hit the bar" he looked at me with the look I knew to well "we both need a drink"

I grunted "let's go to the nearest one from my hotel so we can walk" 

"fine by me" he looked out 

It got me curious why he was he really here I mean I never seen her here without Galina something must be up. 

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