Ch 34

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I had the upper hand against Nikki Bella it was to prepare for the match next week to determine who would go after AJ for the title. Wrestlemania is a couple months away and everyone is already preparing hoping for a match. I would like one yes I can't lie but there's others here who've been here longer who wants it but never got it I mean they scrapped the whole divas match a couple years ago minutes before they had to go on some of them that was there first. 

I raised my hands up as I knocked her down I was facing the opposite direction as I turned I was pushed hard into the turnbuckle and then she hit the rack attack against me I was trying to get out but she had a death grip plus she was scheduled to win. Which only sucks about these matches they already had predetermined winners when they let it all flow who ever wins wins was the best. 1..2..3..the ref hit the mat then raising Nikki's arm up. 

I walked towards the back holding my shoulder I looked over and seen Jon with his new girl she looked over at me with a grin I hated I rolled my eyes and walked past 

"hey how's your shoulder" Jon yelled I just raised my thumb and kept walking I know I can be a little nicer since he was the one who was nice and carried me to my room last week and took care of me after words which was nice but he shouldn't had to. 

I walked towards the catering and heard some yelling I looked over a little and seen Roman and Ryan not really shouting but talking loud enough to hear from here Ryan looked at me and I could tell he was happy he had the relief look on his face "dude you drugged her up knowing she works for a company that does random drug testing she could loose her damn job" I heard another voice I looked over and seen Colby who was hiding behind a post why was he sticking up for me why is he so concern about me. 

I walked over I looked at Colby "what" I looked at him "why do you care" I asked after "don't you have a girlfriend to need to" I crossed my arms he looked at me shaking his head walking off 

"Krystal" Roman said softly 

I watched Colby walking away he looked back and looked right at me "he has no right to stand here trying to stick up for me trying to act all concern about me he's the fucking one who hurt me who broke me" 

"I know but he's just worried about you" he looked at Ryan then at me Ryan had his head down 

"if he didn't play me he wouldn't have to be worried" I rolled my eyes leaving 

I went to my dressing room changing out of my attire I got changed into a light blue jeans with a Pierce the Veil shirt. I held my shoulder as it was still hurting I walked to the trainers to get it looked at as I walked through the walls I seen Sarah sitting on crates with Colby in between her legs kissing what's with me seeing everyone with someone else all happy making out when I'm here hurting. 

I decided to go out and dance I dragged Paige with me she was wearing black pants with a high top shirt while I wore a black lacy dress 

I decided to go out and dance I dragged Paige with me she was wearing black pants with a high top shirt while I wore a black lacy dress 

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We were already on our 8th shot and 3rd mix drink "what the hell is going on with Colby and you" she asked slowly trying not to slur 

"he fucking cheated on me" I yelled Versace on the floor by Bruno Mars came on "come on" I pulled her out to the dance floor and we started to dance 

Paige hit me gently I looked over and seen Jon, Roman, Veronica, Galina, Molisa, and Ryan sitting in a booth Jon's eyes caught mine he eyed me up and down I used my hands tracing my body from top to the bottom moving my hips while keeping eye contact Paige noticed what I was doing and started to laugh so I stopped we walked over to our table and downed 3 more shots well more like I did she only did 1 and on our 4th mix drink. "you should go cut in between and dance with Jon" she looked over where they were all dancing 

We went back out there I was directly behind Jon can you feel it it's warming up Paige and I sang along with the song I pressed my back against Jon's and placed my hands on his ass let's just kiss till we are naked Versace on the floor we still sang I felt Veronica push my hand off of Jon. I was drunk so was Paige I felt someones hands on my waist I turned my head and seen Ryan Havana by Camila came on he started to twirl me around Paige was howling from the table 

After the song was done I walked over to the table and took another shot "I think you had enough" I heard Jon's raspy voice from behind me I turned and faced him taking another shot "come one let's go back" 

I looked at Paige pointing at him laughing he stood there giving the stink eye I looked over and seen everyone has already left "where's the girlfriend" Paige asked 

"left" he kept his eye on me 

"fine we should get going" Paige stumbled out of the booth 

We finally got back to the hotel which was an adventure we dropped Paige off first then Jon walked me to my room I looked at him with one eye open "Jon I'm to drunk" I sat on my bed 

He laughed "I know" he went to my bag and pulled out a shirt and shorts "you need help"

I stood up "I need a lot of help" I winked at him I pulled my dress off not caring he was still in the room then started to get dressed his phone went off he walked over to the window 

"alright be there shortly me to" he hung up I already knew who it was "I have to get going she's hungry and wants food" he rolled his eyes I frowned my lips he looked at me and tapped his finger on my nose "stop that" he told me 

I walked closer to him "why don't" I placed my hand on his shirt he knew when I get drunk I get horny he grabbed my hand 

"I can't" he backed away as a knock was on the door 

I rolled my eyes walking to the door stumbling I opened to see Ryan I looked back at Jon "you may go" I pointed at the door 

Jon stood there with this pissed look on his face seeing Ryan whom walked in Jon came closer to me "please don't do anything stupid" he whispered to me 

"oh I will" I laughed I looked at Ryan "are you gonna fuck me" I winked 

Ryan stood there with a big grin nodding I looked back at Jon and waved him goodbye, if he's serious about being with what her face then he needs to focus on her and worry less about me. 

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