Chapter 23

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Tuesday 24th June 2014

Cherry: Mum says we can’t visit and I’m devastated. How will I cope without you for two years? How did your first semester go?

Bonnie: I’m crushed. Not even over Christmas? It was good. You know, I didn’t think it’d be easy to adjust, but I’ve made some good friends. I’ll miss you though. And it’s only one and a half years.

Cherry: Oh, sorry, little miss specific. No; not even for Christmas. She’s being difficult. But we’re moving house at the end of the year so I suppose she wants me around to help with the boxes and stuff. See! I told you making new friends would be easy. Are they excellent?

Bonnie: You’re moving? Where to? They are pretty awesome. It’s been good to have them around to help me fit in, you know? They’re pretty solid.

Cherry: Across town. Mum doesn’t want to live in a flood-zone anymore. I’ll send you photos to document our moving in. You trust them right? Please tell me you’re being straight with them.

Norman: Cherry won’t let me in on her texting. She’s being mean. Bonnie, tell her to stop being mean.

Bonnie (Cherry): That’s fair enough. I look forward to the photos. I… I don’t know yet. Six months isn’t long.

Bonnie (Norman): Just steal her phone later and check the history. Miss you Norm.

Norman: Argh! That’s so mean of you too. I’m at training to I can’t just snatch it. I’ll have to wait for ages.

Marceline: Hey, can I stop by later? I need a place to hide my lute. Dad’s being a douche again.

Bonnie (Marceline): Sure. Then I’ll finally have something to put in my storage closet.

Bonnie (Norman): Oh, hush, you big baby. How is your training going? Did you make the team?

Cherry: It’s hardly fair to keep them in the dark on all that, Bonnie. You’ve got a little bit of baggage they might like to know about. Plus, I’m sure you’re thoroughly sick of being asked out. Am I right?

Bonnie (Cherry): Ouch, you land all the low blows. Norman wants you to fill him in on this conversation by the way. He says you’re being mean.

Cherry: Don’t change the subject. And I will, but he’s at training. Did he tell you he made the team? His mum was so proud. Anyway, you should tell them. Tell some of them at least. You never know, it might go over well.

Norman: Yeah, I made the team. Mum made me a cake and everything. It was mostly inedible, but the thought was there. She’s worried though. I mean, boxing is a tough sport, but she’s been really supportive.

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