Chapter 22

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Saturday 21st June 2014

Finn’s hood whipped away from his head in the stiff breeze, flopping down his back. His hair was an absolute mess as he raced inside. He ran a hand through his already tousled blonde locks before beaming widely at them and slumping down into the booth beside Jake.

“You know, Bonnie,” he said, reaching for a packet of fries. “You’re pretty wicked at that.”

“For a camper,” Jake added sourly around his straw.

She shrugged her reply.

“No he’s right,” Ellen concurred, her look pointed. “Of all the things you’re good at, laser tag was not something I anticipated.”

Finn drummed his knuckles along the table. “Come on,” he pleaded. “What’s your secret? Teach me, oh masterful one.”

Bonnie rolled her eyes. “My brother and I used to play a lot of Call of Duty. That’s really…” she trailed off as she noticed their expressions. “What?”

“You have a brother?” Pippa enquired gently.

Oh shit.

She chewed on that for a while, face going utterly blank as she tried to work out how to get around this. See, going out and socialising always lead to talking which in turn always lead to her slipping up and this was not a topic she wanted to dwell on.

In the end she sighed, knowing there wasn’t a way to wriggle out this time. “Yes,” she breathed. “Robert, five years younger than me, he likes video games, cooking and being far too studious for his own good. So I’m accidentally good at laser tag, I have good hand-eye coordination.” Her eyes lifted from the tabletop to glance at Finn. Insert topic change, “Would you like another round? I’ll sit out if you feel inadequate.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ellen’s gobsmacked face. She supposed there would be some sort of interrogation later that she’d have to weasel out of. But for now, the look on Finn’s face as he recovered from his shock was distraction enough.

“Hells yeah,” he enthused. “I’m coming with you.” Finn bounded from his chair and followed her back outside into the brisk wind.

They wandered silently down the footpath back to the laser tag building, a large structure, three storeys high with a basement below and lots of black-lights. It hunched on the corner, a big sign outside declaring with a strip of flashing neon red tubing the purpose of the building. Finn kept looking at her as they walked, but Bonnie did her utmost to ignore him and the way his expression shifted between curiosity and confusion.

At last, as they were about to enter, he said, “Hey, Bonnie. Um, since we’re on holidays now…” He frowned, reaching for the door, holding it open for her. “Would you maybe like to go out with me sometime?”

As with the previous time, Bonnie wasn’t expecting it. She froze, shaking herself hurriedly to conceal her flustered shock. Hastily, she summoned her best approximation of a smile and turned as he stepped in beside her.

“Finn…” she began, not really knowing what to say to him. Bonnie sighed, shaking her head. “Thanks, but no. I just…” She rolled her eyes up to the ceiling. “No.”

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