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"Jimin please..." i practically begged. I couldn't take all those sensations my body was going through. He got on top of me soon enough.

"Your wish is my...."

Before he could proceed the door bell decided to put it all to an end.

I'm going to die a virgin. It's my destiny and is unavoidable. Why do I even try?


No, don't answer it. Finish what you've started first! My mind screamed.

"Okay I'll... just... Do you mind if I wear your shirt?"

"Not at all"

He went to answer the door while I picked up his shirt. It smelled good. Really good. I put it on and sat there in the nerve wrecking silence. What if that psycho girl had followed us here?

"Uh..." He was back, but in his hand was something whose gross shape resembled that of a basket. It looked vaguely familiar. In his other hand was a small bag that looked quite... pink?

"What happened?"

"I'm screwed. Hundred and fifty percent" his voice was weak, as if he was on the verge of tears.

"Technically it's not possible to be one fifty percent screwed or anything but what's going on? Are you okay?" I tried to reach out to him, bumping into the table and nearly falling down on my face.

"Y/N, I've got a baby!" he raised the basket-like object a bit, not like in "Oh yay I've got a baby!" but more like "I've got a baby and henceforth my fuck boy days are over""

"Oh, Congratulations, I guess?" I had always loved children. My elder sister was married and had three children, the youngest, a baby boy, was ten months old.

I always told her how lucky she was. I really wanted to grab my glasses and take a good look at the little angel but that would blow my cover.

"Are you crazy? This isn't good. What am I supposed to do? This..."

"I don't know, I mean how can you just get a baby out of thin year?"

"I opened the door and it was there, with a note saying it's mine. I don't know what to do y/n!"

"Well. I guess you just need to take responsibility" I patted his shoulder " I will just leave both of you to get along.." And go die virgin in a hole myself,

Just then, the baby started crying.

"It's crying Oh God please make it stop!" He whined.

"Maybe it's hungry" I recalled how every time my sister's baby cried, her husband told her to feed the baby.

"Well... feed it!" he pushed the basket towards me.

"What? How?"

"With those things!" he pointed at my chest.

Okay, that was more than a feminist like myself could take.

"I need a knife"

"What for?"

"To make sure you never make babies again you #$#@!!! $^@%Y^#%#! Just because I've got ... ah, it's useless. You need education. Good bye" The baby was now trying to get rid of his tiny little vocal cords by crying in a voice with unbearably high frequency.

I tried to walk towards the door but he grabbed my hand.

"Look, just help me please? I'll give you anything you want huh? I'll pay you! As much as you want!"

Even If I Fade Away || Jimin x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora