I reply with a nod.

"Why are will here?" I question suspiciously. The last time Becca called us like this was to tell us to pick a dress for her date with Ethan so I am guessing this involves Ethan.

" let go to my room I will tell the reason why," She says nervously.

We got to her room which is colorfully decorated as the living room.

"so what is it Becca you look nervous," Lillian says sitting on her bed.

" you see girls tomorrow is my first heat, because we have yet to complete the mate bond I don't know what to do," she says fiddling with the hem of her dress.

" Are you ready to complete it or not," I ask.

" I don't know, I am confuse, you know, I think I love him but I don't know if he is ready yet, " she says looking scared and confused.

"he loves you I can see it in his eyes, you are his mate, his other half don't be scared, just tell him if you are ready that all" Lillian says trying to calm her down.

" can I ask you this question Lillian ?" she says taking a breath.

"yeah sure," says Lillian.

"How does the heat feel, does it hurt ? " she asks feeling scared.

"yes it hurts badly it's like you are dying" she explains "during my first heat Anderson went out for a pack meeting".

"How did you cope? because from what we were taught it attracts a male who is not mated yet towards you" Becca asks.

" yes my mum helped in locking me in my room and it's also my fault Anderson was not there because I refused to tell him thinking I could survive it, but he later came and we had our first time," Lillian says blushing.

" Why didn't you tell me about this? " Becca questions glaring playfully at Lillian.

" It slipped my mind, so Kate have you experienced your heat yet ?" Lillian asks shifting the attention towards me.

"N-not yet, "I say awkwardly"let go it's almost time for the fighting defense, " I say leaving Becca's room avoiding the question.

" Kate you can't avoid this forever," Becca says following me down the stairs.

" I hope I can" I mumbled to myself.

We get down to see Ethan already dressed to leave with a white T-shirt and black jeans and his hair wet from his shower.

" Are you girls ready to go," he asked walking towards us.

" yes," Becca says hugging him sideways.

We arrived at the open field to find a place filled with women, men, and children running around shouting and playing.

"Kate!" comes the high-pitched voice of Britta.

After trying to avoid her all day here she is standing in front of me. " what do you need Britta" I ask trying to sound as calm as possible.

She walks toward me until her mouth was close enough to my ear "watch you back Kate you won't know what strikes you" she says softly in my ear.

She walks away smiling evilly at me.

" what was that? " Becca asks skeptically.

" nothing just one of her dry gags. I hope" I mumbled the last part to myself.

She looks at me for a few seconds before walking away to join Lillian and Anderson.

" everyone the fight is about to start so all fighters come down here to write your names and opponent names and we can start," announce Lawrence in his alpha king voice.

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