God alone will send the world to its destination.

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Read: Revelation of John 4:1-11

Text: Sunday 10

Theme: God alone will send the world to its destination.

1. Through Gods will everything is created.

2. Through Gods will everything is living.

3. Through Gods will He sends His creation towards His end goal.

Revelation of John 4:11

It is right, our Lord and our God, for you to have glory and honor and power: because by you were all things made, and by your desire they came into being.

People think that there is a game, between God and Satan. That they argue and fight over good and evil. This would have been terrible. It would mean some times we are under the power of Satan.

But in the word of God we can see the power and will of God over the universe.

John looks into the heaven and he sees a thrown. It shows the power of the ruling over all. He sees the thrown is bigger and has more meaning that a thrown from earth. The one that is seated on the thrown is God Almighty. The thrown is not empty, He sits alone. He is the only ruler.

Revelation of John 4:10

The four and twenty rulers go down on their faces before him who is seated on the high seat, and give worship to him who is living for ever and ever, and take off their crowns before the high seat, saying

The twenty four praise God, the put their crowns down in front of Him. All is the only ruler.

The universe is created to Gods will and wisdom. He rules over it, even though some has forgotten about His rule.

But God rules till this day, we are not let to our own self's. God did not create the world and its laws and left it just to go on.

We must take the good from God, why don't we expect the bad. He uses the collusion of the sin to His power to form us. The bad is not from God it is in the sin of our own choices. God rules over the sin, to let the good be seen.

God is busy with his plan over the world. He is not just working to save all His children He also let the sin take what is his.

The cross is an example, He use sinful people and let them sacrifice His only Son on the cross. So with the sin in this world He gave us our salvation. Because we are bought with the blood of Christ and we are saved. We wait in all with patience for Him to come and lead us.

How do we wait, we pray and keep yourself busy with His word.

We are not robots, we life with a free will and with our free will we choose to follow him. He won't let any thing happen to us; he knows when a hair will fall from our head.

Nothing can keep us from His love.

He is the only RULER!


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