Jesus Christ declares the Father to us.

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Read: John 1:1-18

Text John 1:14; 18

Theme: Jesus Christ declares the Father to us.

Bible guide for communication:

1. Listen before speaking

2. Think before you speak

3. Learn to give a soft answer

4. Communicate the truth

5. Talk uplifting.

Jesus Christ is God's communication too us

1. The Son is the Word

2. The Word became flesh

3. The Son declare the Father

4. Communication and community

To have the ability to talk is the center of being human. We can communicate because God is a talkative God and we are formed in His image. We are going too look at the communication between us and then the Base of our communication. God himself communicates with us through his Son Jesus Christ.

A human has an inside where we can feel and think. Sometimes it is full of loveliness or full of heartache. We want to share what we feel inside. We can do this through communication.

Speech is how too hearts are connected. God is a talkative God and He want to speak to us.

James 1:19

Be there to listen.

To talk without thinking can be like a sharp knife

We must learn to give soft answers. If someone verbally attack you give a soft word.

Talk the truth, your yes must be yes and no, no.

What we talk about must be information, don't let our communication be a nagging. We know that life is hard, and we must learn how to not focus the thorns and know.

We learn that God speaks, He speaks for His Son and He speaks to us through His Son.

God wants communion with us and we must learn to listen and learn to speak to Him. Even in a relationship between husband and wife there must be communication. Communication and community is two words that are close to each other.

No one communicate but in friendship we communicate.

God speaks through His Son. If He speaks it comes to life and he does the through His Son.

This Word became flesh, God want to share Him with us. So He sends His Son to become human. JESUS CHRIST comes and a life between his people and disciples learns of JESUS CHRIST to know Him and through Him He learned us about His Father. He declared Him to us. We can't se him, but through the word we can learn about Him.

JESUS CHRIST also shared meals with the people, and he shared the last supper. He also washed his disciples' feet. The next day He is crucified for us so we can get the eternal life through Him.

When we use the holy meal we must remember that God send His only Son to die on the cross for our sin.

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